Acharya Giriraj Kishore, senior leader of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, released an audio-cassette of aratis sung by baby Charvi Virmani. The cassette has been produced by Max Cassette Company. The aratis in the cassette have been composed by renowned musician Shri Chander Kamal. Releasing the cassette in Delhi, Acharya Giriraj Kishore admired the singing style of Charvi and blessed her with bright future. Shri Shiv Kumar, Secretary to former Prime Minister Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee, Shri Kewal Krishan of Shakti TV channel, Shri Atul Mukhi, son of Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Prof. Jagdish Mukhi and various other prominent personalities of Delhi were present on the occasion.
Charvi Virmani is a student of class VIII in Bhatnagar International School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. Two years ago Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee had released another cassette comprising bhajans of Shri Krishna and patriotic songs sung by Charvi. She has been learning music for the last six years. She also participated in various stage shows. She had participated in a programme held at Shankar Hall in Delhi University at the age of eight and won the heart of the gathering by her song Oh Palan Haare? Charvi has done her diploma in music from Allahabad University. She has also done diploma in Kathak dance. She has been honoured by various organisations for her outstanding performance. Recently she was honoured at Shabad Kirtan competition organised by Gurudwara Shri Guru Singh Sabha, Hudson Lane, Delhi.