From Roshan Sridhar, Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Hindus living abroad teach their children all the virtues of Hinduism. They teach them about the great epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. They tell them about the greatness of Hindu seers, saints and many holy places in India. Hindu children then think that Hinduism is the holiest and greatest religion of the world, specially in these cruel times when they see on internet, how the Muslim fanatics and Islamic terrorists are killing and beheading innocent non-Muslims. For these children India is the land of Hindus and Hinduism.
When they go to India with all the excitement, they receive a rude shock. They get confused when they see how Hindus in India are in the solid grip of Muslims and Islamists.
They ask simple questions. Why India has three Muslim presidents? None of the Muslim countries have a Hindu president. Why was India ruled by Islamic invaders for 800 years? None of the Muslim countries was ever ruled by Hindus. Why did the Hindus not fight and kill the barbaric invaders? Why has India so many Muslim movie actors? None of the Muslim countries have any Hindu actors. Why do so many streets and roads in India have Muslim names? None of the Muslim countries have streets and roads named after Hindus. Why did Hindus allow the Muslims to create Pakistan? If India was partitioned to creat Pakistan for Muslims, then why there are millions of Muslims in India? Why did they not leave for the Pakistan they asked for? Why are they still in India? Why are there so many mosques in India? Muslim countries do not have Hindu temples.
These are very simple, but serious and meaningful, questions, haunting and confusing their minds. They start to think that all throughout the Hindu history, Hindus have been disunited, cowards, meek and foolish with no sense of self-respect and self-defence. They come back from the land of Hinduism, disheartened and confused.