Shahdara Mandal of Seva Bharati, Delhi organised a mass marriage ceremony of 16 girls belonging to the economically weaker section of the society on April 4. The function was organised to celebrate the birthday of RSS founder, Dr K.B. Hedgewar. Seva Bharati, has been organising such functions every year for the last several years. It is an effort to help the families of girls who are unable to perform the marriage of their daughters due to poverty.
Over 5,000 people belonging to well-to-do families of Delhi turned up to bless the newly-weds and contributed generously towards the wedding ceremony. They also gifted the girls the items needed to start a new family and these included bicycles, fans, clothes, bed, furniture, jewe-llery, utensils, etc. A saree and chunni were gifted by the Jhande-walan Mata Mandir temple to each girl and these were worn by them during the wedding cere-mony. Each couple was also gifted a copy of the Ramayana to learn the values of married life. The Poorvi Mandal of Seva Bharati also organised a simi-lar function on March 20 to perform the wedd-ing of three girls. (FOC)