Politics Karnataka Minister sparks row, says “Savarkar ate meat and was not against cow slaughter”; BJP hits back
Bharat Congress leader’s hatred for Savarkar & Netaji exposed, students forced to remove T-shirts bearing their images
Politics Tamil Nadu: Congress supporter CK Kumaravel’s disparaging remarks on Veer Savarkar evoke strong condemnation
Bharat Vinayak Damodar Savarkar’s Death Anniversary: An enduring journey of courage, freedom, and sacrifice
Bharat Gandhi and Savarkar: When Mahatma Gandhi called Veer Savarkar ‘A faithful son of Bharat, brave, clever & revolutionary’
Bharat 100th Anniversary of Savarkar’s Release From Prison: A fearless revolutionary and a visionary statesman
Bharat 100th Anniversary of Savarkar’s Release From Prison: Know the motives and methods of vilification against him
Bharat Karnataka: Principal faces backlash for students’ participation in Veer Savarkar program; disciplinary action imminent
Bharat Karnataka Syllabus Controversy: Congress Govt removes chapter on RSS founder KB Hedgewar and Savarkar from textbooks
Bharat Veer Savarkar included in DU’s Political Science course; Teachers’ body welcomes decision while NSUI stages protest