The Kolkata Police have suspended three senior officers in response to a recent incident of vandalism at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. The suspended officials include two Assistant Commissioners and one Inspector, who have been found negligent in their duties. The suspension follows a severe incident involving the rape and murder of a female doctor associated with the college.
The brutal attack on the doctor has ignited widespread protests throughout Kolkata and other regions of West Bengal. On the night of August 14, a series of “Raat Dakhil” protests took place across various locations, organised by women demanding justice. While the protests initially remained peaceful, tensions escalated when a group breached the RG Kar Medical College premises, vandalising the property and destroying a protest platform established by the doctors.
Kolkata Police Commissioner acknowledged the department’s failure to predict and prevent the large-scale attack. The incident prompted the Calcutta High Court to transfer the investigation of the rape and murder case to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Additionally, the Supreme Court has taken suo motu cognizance of the situation, expressing dissatisfaction with the police’s handling of the crisis.
During a hearing on Tuesday, Chief Justice DY Chandrachud’s bench criticised the police’s response, questioning, “On August 15, with such a large crowd vandalising the hospital, what was the police doing? Why did they not take any action? Did the police permit the vandalism?” The Supreme Court expressed alarm at the state government’s inability to prevent the incident on Independence Day and has mandated the deployment of central forces to ensure the security of RG Kar Hospital.
In the aftermath of the vandalism, the police have identified multiple suspects and have made 37 arrests. The Lalbazar Police Station has established a Special Investigation Team (SIT) consisting of 15 members, including officials from the Kolkata Police’s anti-goons branch, to thoroughly investigate the incident.
On Tuesday, the CBI conducted an 11-hour interrogation of former RG Kar Medical College Principal Sandeep Ghosh. Ghosh arrived at the CGO Complex at 11:25 a.m. and left at approximately 11:30 p.m. This marked the fifth consecutive day of questioning for Ghosh. He had previously attended the CBI office on Monday morning and left around 11:30 p.m.
Ghosh, who had been first summoned by the CBI last Thursday (August 15), did not appear on that day due to safety concerns and a request for increased protection. On Friday (August 16), Ghosh was taken from the streets by the CBI and transported to the CGO Complex for continued interrogation.