This year, several key figures associated with the Ram Mandir movement have been honoured with Padma awards. Sadhvi Ritambhara, a prominent leader of the movement, has been conferred with the Padma Shri in the field of social work. Chandrakant Sompura, the chief architect of the Ram Mandir, has received the Padma Shri in the category of architecture, while Vedic scholar Ganeshwar Shastri Dravid, who played a crucial role in determining the auspicious time (mahurat) for the Mandir’s consecration, has been recognised with the Padma Shri in literature.
Sadhvi Ritambhara, the founder of the VHP’s women’s wing, Durga Vahini, was a pivotal figure in the Ram Mandir movement. She played a crucial role by delivering passionate and fiery speeches during the 1989-90 campaign to build the Mandir.
Chandrakant Sompura hails from a renowned family of Mandir builders in Gujarat. The Sompura family has played a significant role in the construction of over 200 Mandirs across India. The Sompura family has also been involved in the reconstruction of the Somnath Mandir in Gujarat.
Dr Ganeshwar Shastri Dravid, a respected Vedic scholar, played a key role in determining the auspicious timings (mahurat) for both the Bhoomi Pujan of the Ram Mandir and the inauguration of the Kashi Vishwanath Corridor. He was also the sole person on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s side when the latter filed his nomination papers for the Lok Sabha elections in May of the previous year.