The Delhi Police, along with personnel from the Border Security Force (BSF) and Gujarat Police, conducted joint search operations in slum areas across the national capital in order to crackdown Bangladeshi infiltration. The operations, which primarily took place at night, are part of an ongoing investigation into the growing issue of illegal immigration and its alleged links to criminal activities in the region.
West Delhi Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Vichitra Veer confirmed that the raid, conducted in the evening hours, was strategically timed to facilitate the easier verification of individuals. “The purpose of conducting the campaign at night is that people are usually away at work during the day. By targeting the evening hours, we ensure that all family members are home, making the verification process much more effective,” Veer explained to media.
#WATCH | Delhi: BSF, Delhi Police, and Gujarat Police conduct a joint search operation in slum areas to investigate suspected #Bangladeshi infiltration.
We have started the process of deportation of 10 Bangladeshis from West Delhi and other districts are also carrying out the…
— Organiser Weekly (@eOrganiser) January 23, 2025
The West Delhi police have initiated the deportation process for 10 Bangladeshi nationals, with operations extending to other districts in the capital. The move comes amid growing concerns over the rising number of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and Rohingya communities allegedly engaging in criminal activities. This includes a recent high-profile incident in Mumbai where a Bangladeshi national was arrested in connection with a break-in and assault on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan.
The issue of illegal immigration, especially from Bangladesh, has become a point of contention in the political arena ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections scheduled for February 5, 2025. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been vocal in its criticism of the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), accusing it of providing voter ID cards and Aadhaar cards to illegal immigrants, including Bangladeshis and Rohingyas, to influence the upcoming polls.
In response to these concerns, Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor, VK Saxena, instructed the Delhi Police Commissioner to launch a special operation to identify and apprehend such illegal immigrants. A letter from the Lieutenant Governor’s Secretariat, dated January 20, 2025, emphasised the importance of a mission-mode campaign to track down infiltrators and conduct thorough verifications of employees and domestic workers, particularly in sectors like construction.
This move is part of an ongoing initiative that was first initiated in December 2024, when Delhi’s LG directed the Delhi Chief Secretary and Police Commissioner to identify and take action against illegal immigrants residing in the capital.
The Delhi Police’s heightened activity comes in the wake of allegations from the BJP that the AAP government is turning a blind eye to the illegal infiltration issue in an effort to secure votes from marginalised communities. The BJP has accused the ruling party of indulging in vote-bank politics by allegedly facilitating the documentation of illegal immigrants.
The growing issue of criminal involvement by illegal immigrants has raised alarm bells among security officials. In December 2024, Lieutenant Governor Saxena raised concerns regarding the increasing criminal activities linked to these communities, particularly as they relate to organised crime and other illicit activities in Delhi and neighboring states.