Uttar Pradesh’s Minister of State for Basic Education, Sandeep Singh, visited the ‘Vidya Kumbh’ primary schools in the Mahakumbh-2025 fair area, highlighting the initiative’s pivotal role in shaping the future of workers’ children. The Minister conducted an onsite inspection and engaged with students and teachers to review the facilities and challenges faced by educators.
The visit took place following the Cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in Teerthraj Prayagraj. After the meeting, the Chief Minister, along with other ministers, partook in the historic Ganga Snan (holy dip) at Triveni Sangam and performed Ganga Aarti to seek blessings.
Addressing the teachers and students at the Vidya Kumbh primary school, Minister Sandeep Singh praised the initiative, stating, “The ‘Vidya Kumbh’ primary schools are scripting a new chapter in the education of workers’ children. This effort is a significant step toward shaping their bright future. The Uttar Pradesh government is committed to the education of underprivileged and marginalized children.”
The Vidya Kumbh primary schools, set up in the Mahakumbh-2025 fair area, are catering to the children of the workforce present during the religious event. The government is operating five permanent and eight temporary schools within the fairground, aiming to ensure continuity in the education of children while their families participate in the fair.
Currently, more than 500 children are enrolled in the permanent Vidya Kumbh schools, with a target of expanding the reach to 1,000 students. These schools are equipped with digital classrooms, play-based learning methods, and comprehensive educational kits for the children. Additionally, ‘Umang Kits’ and ‘Gyan Ka Pitara’ containing books, uniforms, and other learning materials are provided to support the children’s education.
Minister Singh emphasized the significance of this educational initiative, asserting that it will not only ensure the well-being of children during the Mahakumbh but will also foster long-term societal change by empowering the next generation with the tools to succeed.
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