The Nitish Kumar-led Janata Dal (United) has officially withdrawn its support from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government in Manipur. The development was confirmed by a letter from Kshetrimayum Biren Singh, JD(U)’s Manipur unit chief, addressed to Governor Ajay Kumar Bhalla. This decision repositions JD(U)’s lone MLA, Md Abdul Nasir, in the Opposition benches and signals a deepening rift between JD(U) and BJP in the northeastern state.
Though the withdrawal does not affect the BJP’s comfortable majority in the 60-member Manipur Assembly, it is a politically charged move with broader implications for the BJP-JD(U) alliance across India.
The JD(U)’s letter to the Governor outlines the reasons for the withdrawal. It explicitly cites the party’s alignment with the I.N.D.I Alliance as the basis for distancing itself from the BJP-led government in Manipur. It also highlights the Speaker’s decision to seat Md Abdul Nasir with the Opposition during the last Assembly session, effectively formalizing the party’s position against the government.
The letter reads: “After Janata Dal (United) became a part of the I.N.D.I Alliance, support to the BJP-led government was withdrawn by informing the office of Hon’ble Governor, Leader of the House (Chief Minister), and Speaker. As such, seating arrangement of the lone MLA of Janata Dal (United) in Manipur, Md Abdul Nasir, is made in the Opposition Bench in the last session of Assembly by the Speaker.”
The letter reiterates that the JD(U) no longer supports the BJP in Manipur, stating that its lone MLA will continue to function as part of the Opposition. The letter also referenced the defection of five JD(U) MLAs to the BJP following the 2022 Manipur Assembly elections.
“In the February/March 2022 State Assembly elections, six candidates from Janata Dal (United) were elected. However, within months, five of these MLAs defected to the BJP. The trial concerning the defection of these MLAs under the Tenth Schedule of the Indian Constitution is still pending before the Speaker’s Tribunal,” the letter noted.
Nitish Kumar’s political career has been defined by a series of strategic recalibrations. Once a key ally of the BJP, Nitish Kumar briefly distanced himself by joining the I.N.D.I Alliance in 2023. However, he returned to the NDA fold later that year, citing the need for political stability. This back-and-forth has earned Nitish Kumar a reputation for being a political opportunist, but also a master strategist capable of navigating complex alliances.
The JD(U)’s support was instrumental in helping the BJP secure a majority in the 2024 general elections. However, this withdrawal of support in Manipur signals that Kumar is willing to play hardball with his ally when it serves his party’s interests.
The JD(U)’s withdrawal of support follows the Conrad Sangma-led National People’s Party (NPP)’s decision to sever ties with the BJP government in Manipur last year. Despite JD(U)’s withdrawal of support from the BJP-led government in Manipur, the party continues to be a partner in the ruling central government under the BJP.
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