Mahakumbh Nagar: To ensure the safety of devotees and Kalpvasis during the Mahakumbh Mela, the Food and Logistics Department held a special meeting on January 21 focusing on LPG safety. The meeting saw participation from departmental officials, LPG distributors, representatives of gas companies, and Fire department officers.
During the session, important guidelines were issued to prevent accidents caused by LPG leakage. Key measures include making cylinder testing mandatory and imposing strict restrictions on the sale of unauthorized cylinders.
Guidelines to be followed
1. Mandatory Cylinder Testing: LPG cylinders will be inspected for leakage by technical assistants. Cylinders found to be leaking will not be supplied.
2. Use of Safety Equipment: Consumers’ gas cylinders, pipes, and regulators will be checked. Any equipment not meeting safety standards must be replaced.
3. Preparedness for Emergencies: Teams of technical assistants have been deployed in the fair area to respond promptly to any emergency situation.
4. Regulation of Gas Supply: Storage of gas will be limited to a maximum of 100 kg within the fair area. Complete details of each supply vehicle must be provided to the designated office.
Strict action against misuse of domestic gas
It was decided during the meeting that strict action will be taken against those found misusing domestic LPG or selling unauthorized cylinders.
Commitment to a Surakshit (safe) Mahakumbh
The Food and Logistics Department urged all LPG distributors and officials to ensure proper monitoring and safety of gas supply in the fair area. It was also resolved that any violation of rules would result in punitive action against the concerned agencies.
Prominent attendees of the meeting included Pramod Sharma, CFO of Kumbh, and Sunil Kumar, Food and Logistics Officer.
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