Uttar Pradesh’s zero-tolerance approach to crime under Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the state’s Special Task Force (STF) eliminated four notorious criminals in the Jhinjhana area of Shamli district. Among those killed was Arshad, a prominent member of the dreaded Mustafa Kagga gang, who carried a Rs 1 lakh bounty on his head. This operation marks another significant victory in the state’s relentless war on organised crime.
The encounter unfolded late at night in Jhinjhana, where STF personnel confronted the gang, cornering Arshad and his accomplices—Manjeet from Sonipat, Satish from Karnal, and one yet-to-be-identified individual. The gang, implicated in over a dozen heinous crimes including robbery, dacoity, and murder, refused to surrender and opened fire on the STF team.
In the ensuing gun battle, all four criminals were neutralised. STF ASP Brijesh Kumar confirmed the details, stating, “This gang posed a severe threat to public safety. Arshad was a known criminal involved in multiple violent offenses. Today’s operation reinforces our resolve to ensure safety and justice for the people of Uttar Pradesh.”
The operation came at a cost. STF Inspector Sunil, leading the charge, sustained two gunshot wounds to his abdomen during the encounter. Despite his injuries, he continued directing his team, ensuring the operation’s success.
Inspector Sunil was rushed to Amritdhara Hospital in Karnal for immediate medical attention before being referred to Medanta Hospital in Gurugram due to the severity of his injuries. Senior police officials in Karnal coordinated his transfer with remarkable efficiency, ensuring his survival and recovery.
The operation dealt a severe blow to the Mustafa Kagga gang.
These criminals had established a reign of terror across Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, perpetrating violent crimes with impunity until this decisive action by the STF. The encounter has garnered widespread public support. Residents in Shamli and neighboring areas expressed relief at the elimination of these criminals, whose activities had cast a shadow of fear over their lives.
This operation is the latest in a series of crackdowns under Yogi Adityanath’s administration. Just weeks earlier, on December 23, the UP STF, in collaboration with Punjab Police, neutralised three Khalistani terrorists in Pilibhit. Linked to the Khalistan Zindabad Force, these terrorists had attacked a police outpost in Gurdaspur and were armed with AK-47 rifles and grenades.
The STF, in particular, has played a pivotal role in these efforts. By focusing on intelligence-driven operations and rapid response strategies, the force has successfully dismantled criminal syndicates that once seemed untouchable.
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