In a startling development, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was reportedly stabbed at his residence, triggering a swift response from Mumbai police. The accused, identified as 30-year-old Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, was apprehended within hours of the incident. Investigations revealed Shahzad, a Bangladeshi national, had illegally entered India and adopted the alias Vijay Das to conceal his identity, as he lacked valid Indian identification documents.
The Mumbai Police on the morning of January 19 confirmed that the person arrested for allegedly attacking actor Saif Ali Khan is an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh. The accused, identified as Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad, entered the residence of the renowned actor with the intent to commit theft.
“Prima facie the accused is a Bangladeshi and after entering India illegally he changed his name. Currently, he is using Vijay Das as his name. He came to Mumbai five to six months ago. The accused was using multiple aliases. He stayed in Mumbai for a few days and then in the vicinity of Mumbai. He used to work in a Housekeeping agency,” the DCP said.
Police reports suggest Shahzad entered Khan’s residence intending to rob but was interrupted, leading to a violent altercation where the actor was stabbed six times. Shahzad fled the scene, initially taking a train from Bandra to Dadar, and eventually hiding in the dense mangroves near Kasarwadavli, Thane. He evaded capture for nearly three days, constantly changing hideouts to avoid detection.
The breakthrough came through digital clues. CCTV footage from a mobile shop captured Shahzad’s image, but it was a UPI transaction using Google Pay to purchase a mobile cover that provided a critical lead. By tracing his movements and mobile records, the police narrowed their search to a labour camp. With help from his former employer, Shahzad’s hiding spot was pinpointed, leading to his arrest.
As per the police statement, various investigation teams were formed to investigate the crime, and a case has been registered under sections 311, 312, 331(4), 331(6), and 331(7) of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS).
Further, according to the police, the accused was about to flee to his native village when he was detained at Hiranandani Estate in Thane. It was revealed that the accused is a native of the Jhalokati district in Bangladesh.
The case was reported by Aleyamma Philip, a 56-year-old staff nurse. The incident occurred around 2:00 AM on January 16, during which Saif Ali Khan was attacked and sustained serious injuries, including stab wounds to his thoracic spine.
Earlier, during a press conference, the Mumbai Police stated that there was preliminary evidence suggesting the accused is a Bangladeshi national. “He does not have valid Indian documents. Some items seized indicate that he is a Bangladeshi national,” said Dixit Gedam, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Zone 9.
This development comes after Khan was stabbed multiple times in his Bandra apartment in the early hours of Thursday. The actor was immediately taken to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital, where he received treatment for serious injuries, including stab wounds to his thoracic spine.
According to the hospital administration, Saif Ali Khan is recovering well and has been moved from the ICU to a normal room. The surgery, which involved removing a 2.5-inch-long blade, was successful. While the actor is now “out of danger,” medical staff are closely monitoring his condition. (With inputs from ANI)
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