The Gulriha Police in Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur district have registered a case against Aman, also known as Jalaluddin, for allegedly sexually exploiting a woman for over a year under the pretext of marriage. The accused, a resident of Madhwalya in Maharajganj district, is also accused of fleeing with the victim’s jewellery and cash after she pressured him to marry her.
According to the victim’s complaint, she is a mother of two who got married in 2013 and later moved with her husband to the Gida area in Gorakhpur. Struggling with financial difficulties, she began running a tea stall near BRD Medical College to support her family.
It was during this time that she met Jalaluddin, who owned a clothing shop nearby. Over time, Jalaluddin gained her trust and persuaded her to leave her husband, assuring her that he would care for her and her children.
In her statement, the victim alleged that Jalaluddin exploited her emotionally and physically. “I trusted him and left my husband, believing his promises. He assured me he would marry me and provide a better life for my children,” she said.
For over a year, Jalaluddin reportedly evaded questions about marriage while continuing to exploit the victim. The complaint also revealed that he forcibly took her jewellery and cash. The victim was eventually forced to set up another tea and snack stall near the railway station after running out of money.
However, Jalaluddin would allegedly visit her stall every evening to collect her earnings.
On January 9, the victim once again pressed him to fulfil his promise of marriage. In response, Jalaluddin allegedly confined her to a room, physically assaulted her, and fled. After waiting for a week without his return, the victim approached the Gulriha Police Station to file a complaint.
The police have registered a First Information Report (FIR) against Jalaluddin under relevant sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). A senior police official confirmed that an investigation is underway to uncover the full extent of the offences.
The incident has drawn attention to the plight of vulnerable women facing exploitation under false promises. The victim, who has faced immense emotional and financial hardship, said, “I want justice, not just for myself but for my children who have suffered because of his lies.”
Police officials have assured a thorough probe into the matter and have launched efforts to locate the accused, who remains at large.