In 2021, when Divya Raghavendra Rao and her husband Raghavendra took on the bold challenge of expanding Indian food on a global scale, they were met with skepticism. When Divya was a postgraduate student at IIM Ahmedabad, she was told by an esteemed professor that Indian food would never grow as big as global chains like McDonald’s or KFC, saying “Indian food can’t grow big like McDonald’s or KFC”.
But Divya, fueled by a passion to prove this claim wrong, teamed up with her husband Raghavendra, a seasoned food industry expert with over 15 years of experience, to create something extraordinary—Rameshwaram Cafe.
The duo’s vision was clear: to bring the richness of authentic South Indian cuisine to the global stage, maintaining the consistency and efficiency of top global quick-service restaurant brands. In 2021, they opened the first Rameshwaram Cafe, named to honor the birthplace of India’s beloved scientist and former president, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. The name not only pays tribute to his legacy but also serves as a connection to South India, encapsulating the essence of their pure vegetarian, traditional food offerings.
Rameshwaram Cafe quickly became a hit. The couple’s goal of making Indian food a global sensation is on the rise, proving that Indian cuisine can indeed compete with and even surpass the dominance of global giants like McDonald’s and KFC. Thus, Rameshwaram Cafe was born, a game-changing eatery with the aim of delivering traditional Indian flavors in a fast, efficient, and scalable manner. Fast forward to today, and Rameshwaram Cafe has shattered expectations, defying all odds to become one of the most successful ventures in the food industry.
Here’s how Rameshwaram Cafe turned skepticism into success:
- Rs 4.5 crore in monthly revenue, translating into over Rs 50 crore annually.
- 70 per cent gross margins, an extraordinary feat in the competitive food service industry, where most brands struggle to break even.
- Five outlets across Bengaluru and Hyderabad, with ambitious plans to expand internationally, eyeing a Dubai launch in the near future.
But this success story would soon be tested by an unimaginable tragedy. On March 1, 2024, the Rameshwaram Cafe located in Bengaluru’s Brookfield area was the target of a deadly bomb blast carried out by four Islamic terrorists — Minaz alias Sulaiman, Syed Sameer, Anas Iqbal Sheikh, and Shaan Rehaman. The bomb, which was strategically placed around the time of Muslim prayers on Friday, was designed to cause the least harm to the local Muslim community. Despite this, ten innocent people were injured, and the blast rattled the city to its core.
The repercussions of the bombing were immediate. It was clear that this was a well-planned and deliberate attack. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) swiftly launched an investigation into the incident, and a CCTV image of a suspect wearing a cap and carrying a backpack was released, with a ₹10 lakh reward for anyone providing information leading to the arrest of the culprits.
Yet, in the face of adversity, Rameshwaram Cafe’s resilience took center stage. Only eight days after the bombing, the cafe reopened its doors, sending a clear message of defiance. Metal detectors were installed for heightened security, and the National Anthem was played in a powerful symbol of unity and strength. This move sent a resounding message to the public that terrorism would not silence the spirit of the people, nor the determination of the cafe’s founders.
Beyond the immediate recovery, Rameshwaram Cafe’s story continues to inspire entrepreneurs and food enthusiasts alike. Their journey is a testament to the power of belief, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of a vision. The cafe has not only challenged the notion that Indian food can’t grow big but has also proven that in the face of adversity, unity, security, and innovation are key to building a successful brand.