Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s government has launched a series of stern measures targeting prominent institutions and individuals. Among the high-profile actions are tax notices issued to Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and fines imposed on political figures, mosques, and madrasas over alleged electricity theft in Sambhal.
The Aligarh Municipal Corporation (AMC) has sent a demand notice to AMU, requiring it to clear pending house tax dues of Rs 24.4 crore within 15 days. The notice warns of strict action, including account attachment, under the Municipal Corporation Act if the university fails to comply. According to AMC officials, the dues are linked to 18 university properties that have been accumulating since 2017.
“The municipal commissioner has held discussions with AMU’s registrar, who indicated that the university has applied for a grant from the University Grants Commission (UGC) to clear these dues. However, delays in payment will compel us to act. If the university does not pay, we will attach their accounts, as buildings of government institutions are not typically sealed.”
Previously, AMU cleared dues for 22 of its properties, but the remaining 18 properties continue to add to the debt. The 15-day deadline states the administration’s resolve to recover long-pending revenues.
The UP government also intensified its crackdown on electricity theft in Sambhal, a district marred by violence during a court-ordered survey of the Shahi Jama Masjid on November 24, 2024. The violence left five people dead and several others injured, prompting intensified inspections across the district.
Over 1,400 FIRs have been registered under Section 135 of the Indian Electricity Act, implicating various individuals and institutions. The alleged offenders include Samajwadi Party (SP) MP Ziaur Rahman Barq, 16 mosques, and 2 madrasas.
Authorities discovered an illegal electricity supply network on the roof of the Ladaniya Mosque, powering nearly 100 homes. In response, the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) imposed fines amounting to Rs 11 crore, with Rs 20 lakh already recovered. Sambhal’s Superintendent of Police Krishan Kumar Bishnoi and UPPCL officials have warned that charges under the Gangster Act could follow if evidence of organised theft is established.
Vinod Kumar Gupta, Superintendent Engineer of Pashchimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (PVVNL), explained: “Following nighttime inspections, we identified unusual load patterns—electricity usage dropped in the early morning but surged at night. This pointed us to illegal connections, which were confirmed upon inspection.”
Samajwadi Party MP Ziaur Rahman Barq is among those fined, with allegations of electricity theft linked to his residence. The electricity department imposed a fine of Rs 1.9 crore after deeming his explanation unsatisfactory. Barq’s father, Mamluk Ur Rahman Barq, is also under investigation for allegedly threatening officials during inspections.
In addition to the MP, fines totaling Rs 11 crore have been imposed on 16 mosques and 2 madrasas for illegal electricity connections. Officials report that Rs 20 lakh has already been recovered. Notably, the crackdown has prompted 22 mosques and one church to apply for legitimate electricity connections.
The district administration has indicated that charges under the Gangster Act may follow if evidence emerges that fees were being collected for the unauthorised electricity supply.
Despite these allegations, the administration maintains that the campaign is purely focused on enforcing the law. Speaking about the ongoing drive, Superintending Engineer Vinod Kumar said: “Our efforts aim to ensure compliance with regulations. We are treating all cases of power theft and tax evasion equally, irrespective of the accused’s background.”
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