Under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the preparations for Mahakumbh 2025 have left saints and seers deeply impressed. On the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti, they participated in the Amrit Snan on Tuesday, January 14 and lauded the government’s exceptional arrangements.
The saints expressed their gratitude for the unprecedented organization of the event, praising the clean, safe, and grand Mahakumbh, which coincides with a rare celestial alignment occurring after 144 years.
The seamless crowd management and extraordinary planning to accommodate millions of devotees received widespread appreciation from the religious community, who extended heartfelt thanks to the government for this remarkable achievement.
Jagadguru Swami Rambhadracharya stated: “The arrangements made by the government for Mahakumbh 2025 are remarkable. I am extremely pleased with the well-organized management of the event, even with such a massive crowd. The government deserves appreciation for this effort.”
Swami Chidanand Saraswati, Spiritual Leader, Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, remarked: “This is a celebration for all of Sanatan Dharma, a festival of immortality and eternal truth. With ghats filled to capacity, the Mahakumbh embodies unity in diversity. People have come in millions, and millions more are arriving every day. I invite everyone to come and experience this Mahakumbh. From the banks of the Sangam, the message is clear: the confluence of Sanatan Dharma will flow forever like the sacred Ganga. The sun’s transition to Uttarayan marks a time to change the direction of our lives. When direction and speed change, so does the mindset. As the nation’s mindset evolves, the entire atmosphere and country will transform. India, with its young and vibrant energy, has the potential to become a great nation. The Modi-Yogi leadership is paving the way for this transformation, creating a harmonious and secure environment.”
Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti, former Union Minister asserted: “I have been attending the Kumbh Mela since 1982, experiencing several Mahakumbhs and Ardhakumbhs. However, the experience of Prayagraj Mahakumbh is unique. A new city is built here in the lap of Mother Ganga. This Mahakumbh, occurring after 144 years, is a rare and auspicious occasion. We are fortunate to be part of it and to take the holy dip. The youth are visibly delighted by this grand celebration. When the Akharas proceeded for the Amrit Snan, devotees were seen joyfully gathering flowers, symbolizing their deep faith. This Kumbh is extraordinary, initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The completion of 500 years of waiting for Lord Ram’s temple adds to its significance, enhancing the glory of Mahakumbh 2025.”
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