Rakesh Kumar Shukla, widely known as Prayagputra in Prayagraj, has described Mahakumbh as a mega festival of digital detox and spiritual purification. He has elaborated on this perspective in his coffee table book dedicated to Kumbh.
“Mahakumbh, recognised as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity, is not merely a fair but a grand celebration lasting about two months. It is essential for devotees, both domestic and international, to understand the significance of this festival to fully benefit from its spiritual essence,” he stated.
Highlighting the deeper aspects of Kumbh, Shukla emphasised, “Kumbh is not just a fair; it is a festival with four dimensions: spiritual concept, management, economy, and global participation. Every devotee should understand what Kumbh is, why it is celebrated, and how it is organised.”
He further explained that the Sanatan Vedic Hindu religion is the only religion which is dedicated to the welfare of the Sanatan. “Its essence begins with the satsang of sages and saints, who collectively bring Mahakumbh to life. The festival aims to integrate dharma with commerce, not to transform dharma into a commercial venture.”
Shukla also underscored the significance of Kalpvas, encouraging individuals to experience real life over transient digital moments. He described Mahakumbh as a grand festival guided by the divine constitution, signifying its spiritual and cultural importance.
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