This year’s Christmas celebrations in Palakkad district, northern Kerala, sparked a controversy. News circulated around the state that Vishva Hindu Parishad activists attempted to interrupt Christmas celebrations at a school and destroyed the Christmas tree. The fact is that this information was given to the media by teachers at the school who work for a pro-Congress teachers’ organisBJPation. Following the rise of Islamic extremism and Hindu-Christian unity, the Islamist-Communist media network and Urban Naxals in Kerala, which was looking for an opportunity to disrupt the rising Hindu-Christian unity in Kerala, fanned the problem. Congress Communist Party leaders, including Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, raised the issue and put the spotlight on the entire Hindu community.
What led them to work in this way is the recent developments in the state. The BJP protests against the Waqf encroachment and the party’s victory in the Thrissur loksabha seat in 2024 and its new inroads among the Christian voters especially in the Palakkad assembly by-election in November has now irked the mainstream parties and the Islamic forces including the Muslim League. The previous UDF regimes in Kerala, led by the Congress and the Muslim League, had benefitted exclusively the Muslim population. When the Congress-led coalition takes power, it reserves key portfolios for the Muslim League, such as education, revenue, industry, and transportation.
Five ministerial positions in the 19-member cabinet were reserved for the Muslim League. Except for the position of finance minister, which was given to Christian-majority parties, notably the Kerala Congress (M), the Congress has handed Hindus and Christians non-essential ministries. Although Christian Hindus have been appointed to the positions of Chief Minister and Home Minister, they have yet to go beyond Kerala’s communist-Islamist agenda and ecosystem. The communists rule the state in the similar way. Hence, fake currency and drugs flowed freely into Kerala throughout the period of the UDF and LDF governments before 2014. Muslim League ministers refused to ignite the lamp at the beginning of government events. Even today, the communist politicians and ministers who attend rituals as part of official duties at Sabarimala Ayyappa temple and Guruvayur Sree Krishna temple behave in a manner that offended Hindus.
This was done to appease extreme Islamists in their respective constituencies. It is also customary to publicly mock Hindu deities and beliefs to prove themselves as reformers. Islamists, especially those in the Kerala police, have formed their own networks and leaked personal information of RSS Hindu leaders to Islamist groups. in short, the Muslim League and other fundamentals in the congress and communist parties have exploited its important cabinet posts to Islamize all aspects of Kerala’s socioeconomic and cultural life.
Apart from this, it also provided an opportunity for many radical groups to flourish in Kerala. As a by-product of this love jihad and religious conversion, Kerala witnessed Muslim women and youth going abroad to join terrorist organisations. Kerala also witnessed the activists of the banned Popular Front cutting off the hand of a college professor named Joseph for openly expressing his views and accusing him of blasphemy.
Recently, Islamic terrorists marched to the Pala Bishop’s house for his comment against the existing drug-love jihad in Kerala. The presence of BJP Sangh Parivar activists stationed there was the reason why the matter did not get complicated. The Muslim League leadership took a radical stand on the issue of Hagia Sophia in Turkey and the Waqf Board issue. The media and the communist parties of the Muslim League in Kerala remained silent during the bomb blast in a church during Easter celebrations in Sri Lanka in the past and the recent attack on Christians in Bangladesh.
On Christmas Day alone, the homes of 17 Christian families were burnt down in Bangladesh. However, the sudden discussions and comments that emerged on the channels immediately after the news of the destruction of a Christmas tree in Palakkad, suggesting that Christians in Kerala are facing genocide, is not Christian love but a planned attempt to destroy the sentiments that are emerging in Kerala against political Islam. The unethical alliance of the communist and Congress, with the Islamists aim to prevent BJP from coming to power by destroying the Hindu-Christian unity that is forming in favour of BJP in Kerala.
In the changed situation, it is necessary and essential for Hindu-Christian unity in the upcoming elections in Kerala. If there is to be true secularism and religious harmony in Kerala, the extreme Islamic forces in the state must be defended. The communist Congress fronts in Kerala provide political space for the islamic radicalisation that permeates every sector in Kerala, from food to clothing, administration, commerce, industry and films. The radicalisation happening in the state through the expatriate organisations running abroad led by Pak Jamaat, Muslim Brotherhood, Pakistan and Qatar. This is not just happening in Kerala but is part of the global agenda. To counter this in the southern state, the BJP must become a major political force in Kerala and Christians and Hindus must strongly support the nationalist party. Also, Kerala must not be surrendered to the religious fundamentalists by believing the narratives of communist Islamists who rely on fake news and agendas that they spread in an organised manner in the state.