A Muslim woman, Shama Parveen, who married a Hindu man, Lokesh Kumar, has gone missing under suspicious circumstances in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar. The case, which has raised concerns about the involvement of Shama’s family in her disappearance, has taken a legal turn with Lokesh Kumar filing a complaint in court seeking urgent action to locate his wife.
Shama Parveen, who married Lokesh on December 9, 2024, in Delhi, has not been seen since December 23, 2024. Her disappearance occurred after she was taken away by her parents in Sitamarhi, Bihar. Lokesh Kumar has accused Shama’s father of orchestrating her abduction and has raised fears for her safety.
The couple’s story began in their childhood, as Lokesh and Shama were childhood friends. Their bond eventually blossomed into a romantic relationship, which, however, was met with resistance from Shama’s family due to their differing religious backgrounds. In an effort to separate them, Shama’s family reportedly sent her to stay with her aunt in Surat, Gujarat, on August 8, 2024. Despite the distance, Shama continued to maintain contact with Lokesh through phone calls.
On December 6, Lokesh travelled to Surat as part of a pre-arranged plan to meet Shama. The couple then travelled together to Delhi, where, on December 9, they married in a civil ceremony at Tis Hazari Court. The couple further celebrated their union by having a Hindu wedding ceremony in a temple. They then took a trip to Agra and Patna before returning to Lokesh’s village in Muzaffarpur on December 16.
Trouble surfaced when Shama’s father filed a missing person’s report at Gaighat police station shortly after the couple’s return. In his complaint, he claimed that his daughter had gone missing while travelling to Darbhanga. Upon hearing this, police from Gaighat reached out to Shama and recorded her statement. During this interaction, Shama confirmed that she was an adult, had married Lokesh, and wished to stay with him. The court, based on her statement, sent Shama back to live with her husband.
However, the situation took a dark turn on December 23, when Shama’s parents lured her to Sitamarhi with the promise of reconciling her marriage. Under the belief that her parents had relented, Shama went with Lokesh to meet them. Upon arrival, Shama’s parents reportedly arrived in a car and forcibly abducted her, taking her away against her will. Lokesh has lodged a formal complaint with the Dumra police, accusing Shama’s parents of kidnapping his wife and expressing concerns over her well-being.
As efforts to resolve the matter through local police proved unsuccessful, Lokesh sought legal intervention. In response, the Muzaffarpur court issued an order directing the police to locate Shama Parveen and ensure her safe return. The court has emphasised the urgency of the case, calling for a swift resolution to the disturbing situation.
As of now, the police are continuing their investigation, but Shama’s whereabouts remain unknown.
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