The political climate in Bengaluru took a violent turn on December 25, when an attack was launched against former minister and BJP MLA Muniratna near Laggere. This brazen act saw miscreants throwing eggs at him, seemingly demonstrating disdain. This incident quickly escalated tensions between political factions, leading to a show of retaliation from both sides. In response to the egg-throwing, leaders from the BJP gathered to condemn the attack, accusing Congress workers of orchestrating it. Muniratna sat on a protest on the road, while Congress workers staged their demonstrations nearby, resulting in a significant standoff that lasted several hours.
As the dust settled from this incident, additional police forces arrived to manage the situation. By evening, the previously chaotic atmosphere had calmed, although the political ramifications of the altercation remained palpable. The attack occurred as Muniratna was returning from an event commemorating the centenary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, organized by the local BJP unit in the Lakshmidevi Nagar neighbourhood. As the attack unfolded, an egg struck Muniratna’s head—an incident that triggered outrage among other BJP activists present.
In the aftermath, the police apprehended three individuals alleged to have participated in the attack. Police said the attackers, identified as Vishwanath, Ashwath, and Vishwas, were all Congress party workers.
According to reports, the local BJP unit organized an event to commemorate former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The attack on Muniratna occurred while he was returning from the function. Previous disturbances had led to suspicions and increased preparation among authorities; over 100 police officers were strategically deployed by North Division DCP Saidulu in anticipation of potential disruptions from Congress workers.
Despite the police presence, miscreants seized the opportunity to throw eggs at Muniratna as he exited after speaking with local party leaders. This act of defiance stirred anger among BJP activists, resulting in heated confrontations with those believed to be responsible for the attack. The police’s proactive response saw them apprehending three suspects from the scene before matters escalated further.
In retaliation, enraged BJP workers damaged the bike belonging to one of the attackers and attempted to vandalise the nearby Congress office in Lakshmidevi Nagar. This led to clashes with Congress workers who opposed the vandalism.
Shaken by the assault, Muniratna took to the streets of Lakshmidevi Nagar to stage a protest, vocally expressing his anger toward Congress leaders. He levelled serious accusations against Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar, along with local Congress leaders D.K. Suresh, congress leader Hanumantharayappa, and Congress MLA candidate Kusuma, claiming they were involved in plotting his assassination. Congress leaders, on the other hand, contended that the egg-throwing was a premeditated act designed to regain Muniratna’s declining political esteem following earlier sexual assault allegations against him.
To restore order, additional police forces were deployed to the area to disperse the protesters. Muniratna later sought medical attention at K.C. General Hospital, where he received treatment for the injuries sustained during the incident. With heightened police vigilance, local life returned to normal.
Reports indicated that the police had received prior warnings about potential attacks involving either grease or eggs targeted at Muniratna, prompting enhanced security measures. Muniratna claimed that he believed a conspiracy against his life had been established. He explicitly named D.K. Suresh and Hanumantharayappa, alleging that their motives were tied to the political ambition of the Congress candidate Kusuma, implying that an attack would further her interests within the legislative framework.
“Warnings of attempts on my life have reached me. The police had advised me to take precautions when traveling. Just moments after this crucial advice, I found myself under attack,” Muniratna recounted. He detailed receiving threats months earlier, purportedly from unidentified individuals masquerading as lawyers, boldly claiming he would be murdered if he did not resign from his post. The intensity of such threats was compounded by an earlier failed attack near Jalahalli, leading him to escalate his reports to the President, Prime Minister, and the National Investigation Agency (NIA).
In a later revelation, BJP MP Dr C.S. Manjunath, who visited Muniratna in the hospital, provided insights into the physical toll the attack inflicted. He noted injuries to the back of Muniratna’s head attributed to being struck with a chemical substance intended for harm, causing dizziness and episodes of vomiting. “The egg attack has left some of his hair singed,” he noted, suggesting the severity of the assault. Manjunath further commented on the ongoing political unrest, indicating that Muniratna had become a target of politically motivated violence. He emphasised the necessity of maintaining a healthy political atmosphere within a democracy, stressing that these escalating incidents negatively affect all parties involved.
The implications of this incident rippled through the political landscape, as leaders from the BJP expressed outrage against the Siddaramaiah-led government. B.Y. Vijayendra, the BJP State President, visited the hospital to check Muniratna’s condition and addressed the media. In his statements, he condemned the Congress government for what he described as a systematic campaign of intimidation against opposition members since taking office. “You have seen the treatment meted out to Harish Poonja, and the actions taken against City Ravi outside the assembly. This incident involving Muniratna is not trivial; it speaks to a larger pattern of pressure aimed at forcing him into resigning,” he asserted.
In the days following the attack, the media closely followed developments related to Muniratna’s health and the political fallout. Statements from Congress leaders sought to discredit the claims made by Muniratna regarding a conspiracy against him, arguing that his angry outbursts were an attempt to garner sympathy and divert attention from legitimate issues surrounding his past. This response intensified the ongoing hostility between the two parties, as both sides prepared for an expected escalation in political rhetoric and strategic maneuvers within the local governance structure.
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