Jharkhand’s border areas are once again under scrutiny, this time for irregularities in Aadhaar card registrations. Shocking discrepancies have surfaced in districts like Lohardaga, Sahibganj, Pakur, Garhwa, and Latehar, where the number of Aadhaar registrations has surpassed the estimated population figures. These findings point to potential infiltration and highlight significant lapses in governance.
Alarmingly High Aadhaar Registrations
According to data from the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), several districts have recorded Aadhaar enrollments exceeding their total population:
Evidence of Infiltration
Recent investigations reveal a troubling pattern of infiltration in Jharkhand’s border regions, particularly in Sahibganj and Pakur, which share proximity to West Bengal. An Intelligence Bureau (IB) team, along with the Internal Intelligence Department, recently concluded a four-day investigation (December 15-18) in Sahibganj. The teams gathered substantial evidence pointing to Bangladeshi nationals obtaining Aadhaar cards through fraudulent means.
Officials found glaring irregularities, such as instances where the son’s recorded age exceeded that of the father. In Dumka, eight individuals listed the same mother, Tauful Bibi, with identical birth dates. These cases of forged documents highlight a deliberate effort to manipulate official records to establish false identities.
A Pattern of Document Fraud
Jharkhand’s border districts have a history of fraudulent activities related to voter lists and birth certificates. Past investigations revealed a 150 per cent increase in voter registrations in certain areas, signalling possible infiltration. Similar irregularities in birth certificate issuance have also been reported, further complicating the region’s demographic landscape.
Former MLA Anant Ojha from Rajmahal voiced grave concerns over these findings. “The government has been silent on this issue despite repeated complaints in the assembly. Fake Aadhaar cards are being used to create fake voters, compromising the democratic rights of Indian citizens. This is part of a larger conspiracy to empower Bangladeshi infiltrators,” Ojha stated.
Broader Implications
While Aadhaar is not legally recognised as proof of citizenship, the alarming registration discrepancies provide indirect evidence of the presence of infiltrators. As Aadhaar cards are widely used to access government benefits and establish identity, these irregularities pose a serious threat to the integrity of the system and could have far-reaching consequences.
The Jharkhand High Court had earlier directed central intelligence agencies to investigate the infiltration issue, following a public interest litigation (PIL). The findings from recent intelligence operations underscore the urgent need for stricter verification processes and coordinated efforts between state and central authorities to address the growing threat of infiltration.
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