In a decisive move by the Yogi Adityanath-led government, the 250-year-old Shri Ganga Ji Maharani Mandir in the Nath Nagari area of Bareilly has been freed from the illegal occupation of a Muslim family that had controlled the premises for over 40 years. The mandir, reportedly converted into a mosque by Wahid Ali and his family, is now being restored to its original sanctity, marking a significant reclamation of Hindu cultural heritage.
Hindu organisations actively participated, removing an Islamic flag that had been hoisted on the temple, replacing it with a saffron flag, symbolising its return to Hindu worship.
The Shri Ganga Ji Maharani Mandir, an ancient site revered for its sanctity, had reportedly been converted into a residential and pseudo-religious structure by Wahid Ali. Allegations suggest that Wahid removed the murti of Maa Ganga and Shivling from the mandir, replacing them with an Islamic flag, effectively turning the structure into a mosque.
Over the years, the mandir’s original purpose was overshadowed by its use as a residence and a warehouse for a cooperative society, with Wahid Ali positioned as a watchman. However, administrative records confirmed that the site is registered as Shri Ganga Ji Maharani Mandir, sparking efforts by Hindu organizations to reclaim the structure.
On December 20 morning, the district administration, supported by a significant police force, initiated the process of vacating the mandir. A notice was pasted at the premises, instructing Wahid Ali and his 14 family members to vacate immediately. The operation, which began at 10 a.m., saw the family packing their belongings under administrative supervision.
The mandir premises were cleared in a six-hour operation, during which the police had to intervene to manage tensions between Hindu organisation leaders and Wahid Ali’s family. Laborers removed remaining items from the site, which was subsequently sealed by the authorities to prevent any further disputes.
As the premises were being vacated, members of Hindu organisations removed the Islamic flag that had been hoisted on the mandir’s structure. A saffron flag was raised in its place, symbolizing the reclamation of the site for Hindu worship. Leaders of these groups announced plans for a purification ceremony using holy Ganga water, followed by the resumption of prayers and rituals at the mandir.
Durgesh Kumar Gupta, convener of Nath Nagari Suraksha Samuh, stated, “This historic mandir, steeped in our cultural heritage, has finally been freed after years of neglect and misuse. We will restore it to its former glory and resume worship here.”
The operation was not without controversy. Wahid Ali’s son, Sajid, expressed discontent, claiming that the family was not given sufficient notice to vacate. “We woke up to find police officers at our door, telling us to leave. We had no time to prepare,” he said.
Further complicating the matter, the Municipal Corporation revealed unpaid house tax dues of over Rs 1.52 lakh on the property. Officials clarified that the mandir was originally constructed in 1905, with its use altered over decades due to lack of oversight.
The district administration ensured the operation proceeded without significant unrest by deploying police personnel armed with tear gas shells. The area surrounding the mandir was cordoned off, with officers stationed to prevent any escalation.
The building has now been sealed, with plans to reopen it for religious activities once the purification ceremony is completed. Officials emphasized that all actions were carried out in adherence to legal procedures, supported by historical records confirming the mandir’s rightful status.
Hindu organisations and local leaders have lauded the government’s efforts to reclaim the Shri Ganga Ji Maharani Mandir, viewing it as a victory for the preservation of cultural and religious heritage. Pankaj Pathak, divisional president of the All India Hindu Mahasangh, remarked, “This is not just about reclaiming a building; it is about restoring our identity and respecting the legacy of our ancestors.”
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