A disturbing video has gone viral on social media, showing the horrific abuse of children by a school van driver in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. The video, which has quickly garnered widespread attention, depicts the driver violently beating children after dragging them out of the school van. With a stick in hand, the driver is seen not only physically assaulting the children but also strangling them, leaving viewers shocked and horrified.
Shocking Incident
The took place in Moradabad, a city in Uttar Pradesh, and was captured in a video that has since spread rapidly across various social media platforms. In the footage, the school van driver can be seen forcibly removing the children from the vehicle and then launching into a brutal attack. He is shown beating the children with a stick and, at one point, choking them, while the terrified children attempt to free themselves from his grip.
#UTTARPRADESH: Shocking Video of School Van Driver's Brutality surfaced from Moradabad !
A video has surfaced showing the school van driver brutally assaulting children after dropping them off.
In the footage, the driver is seen holding a stick and choking one child while… pic.twitter.com/kj2OvpCLS8
— Organiser Weekly (@eOrganiser) December 19, 2024
The video has sparked immediate outrage, with people across the country expressing their disgust at the driver’s actions. The video has ignited a larger conversation on the need for increased safety measures for children, particularly those using school transport services.
Public Outcry and Social Media Reaction
As the video went viral, social media platforms were flooded with comments condemning the driver’s actions. Many users expressed shock and anger over the cruelty shown towards vulnerable children. Parents of children in the area are reportedly terrified, fearing that their own kids might be at risk while commuting to school.
Social media users have called for stronger oversight and accountability in the school transport system, urging authorities to ensure that such incidents are prevented in the future. Many are demanding that the driver be held fully accountable for his actions and that the school take responsibility for hiring such an individual.
Police Action and Investigation
The police in Moradabad have confirmed that the incident is being investigated. They have identified the driver involved and are taking the necessary steps to arrest him. Authorities have stated that a case has been filed under relevant sections for child abuse and physical assault. The police are also looking into the background of the driver to determine if he had any prior complaints or incidents related to the mistreatment of children.
The authorities are expected to take strict action to ensure that the driver is brought to justice, and some have called for a thorough review of the school’s hiring practices, background checks, and safety protocols for children using school transport services.
As the investigation into this horrific incident continues, the focus now shifts to ensuring that such brutality never happens again. Parents, educators, and the public are all hoping that this case will lead to stronger laws and regulations for child safety in school transportation. The outrage surrounding the viral video is a stark reminder that the protection of children must always be a top priority and that any violation of their trust and safety must be met with the harshest penalties.