After Sambhal, Varanasi, and Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh, a temple that had been reportedly closed for several decades has now been reopened in Gujarat’s Dwarka. The Santoshi Mata Temple, located in the Khambalia area of Dwarka district, had remained closed for nearly 50 years as accused Hanif, Suleman, Ghafar, Abbas, and Omar allegedly blocked the road leading to the Hindu temple.
The Dwarka Police, upon receiving the information, registered an FIR under the relevant sections of the law. Following the instructions of District Police Chief Nitesh Pandey, the illegal encroachment was cleared on December 18. After demolishing the encroachment, the Hindu community was permitted to perform Pooja rituals in the temple.
The police action followed a complaint lodged by the pandit’s family at the Khambalia police station. After conducting a thorough investigation, the police discovered that the accused Muslim individuals had conspired to encroach on government land by forging fake documents. Three of the five accused have been arrested, while the remaining two are reportedly deceased.
50-year-old Santoshi Mata temple in Khambalia, Dwarka, was blocked by Hanif Suleman, Gafar and Umar. Police took Swift action an FIR was filed, and the encroachment cleared!
— Harsh Sanghavi (@sanghaviharsh) December 18, 2024
Gujarat’s Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi took to X to announce the action taken in the case, stating, “The 50-year-old Santoshi Mata temple in Khambalia, Dwarka, was blocked by Hanif, Suleman, Gafar, and Umar. The police acted swiftly—an FIR was filed, and the encroachment was cleared!”