In a dramatic escalation of tensions between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Congress, a clash in Parliament resulted in BJP MPs Pratap Chandra Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput sustaining severe injuries. Both MPs have accused Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of pushing them during the altercation. The injured MPs were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital.
Following the incident, a BJP delegation, including members of its legal team and MPs Anurag Thakur and Bansuri Swaraj, visited the Parliament Street police station to file a formal complaint against Gandhi. The BJP accused the Leader of Opposition (LoP) of physically attacking their members during the fracas.
Chaos erupted outside Parliament on December 19, as BJP MPs staged a protest, demanding accountability. Meanwhile, Gandhi refuted the allegations, claiming that it was Sarangi who pushed him while he was attempting to enter the Parliament building. The altercation has intensified the already charged atmosphere in Parliament.
Pratap Chandra Sarangi recounted the incident, alleging that he was standing near the stairs when Rahul Gandhi pushed another MP, who then fell on him, causing his injuries. “Rahul Gandhi pushed a member of Parliament who fell on me. I was standing on the stairs when this happened,” Sarangi told reporters.
Medical personnel stated that Sarangi suffered a head injury, which resulted in heavy bleeding and required stitches. Sarangi is currently under observation, with further evaluations ongoing.
Mukesh Rajput, the second injured MP, reportedly fell unconscious during the altercation. Medical Superintendent Dr. Ajay Shukla of RML Hospital confirmed that Rajput is now conscious but remains dizzy and anxious. “He had a sudden spike in blood pressure and will require additional tests to monitor his condition,” Shukla said.
Addressing the media, Rahul Gandhi offered a different narrative, alleging that BJP MPs obstructed and threatened him as he tried to enter Parliament. “This might be on your camera,” Gandhi said, adding that Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge was also pushed during the commotion. “We do not get affected by jostling, but this is our right to enter Parliament. BJP MPs tried to stop us,” he asserted.
Congress MP KC Venugopal also condemned the BJP’s actions, accusing its MPs of preventing Congress leaders from entering Parliament.
The incident has raised questions about the parliamentary rules governing such situations. According to procedural guidelines, police intervention in matters occurring within Parliament premises requires the Speaker’s permission.
Former Lok Sabha Secretary-General PDT Achary commented on the procedural complexities, stating, “The key here will be video evidence. Without it, the matter boils down to the word of one MP against another.”
Police sources indicated that the investigation would focus on determining whether either party initiated the confrontation or whether the incident was a result of a scuffle. “If both MPs stayed in their respective places, it would be difficult to attribute motive,” a police official explained.
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