Spear Corps of the Indian Army unveiled the coveted trophy for the much-anticipated Captain Jintu Gogoi, Vir Chakra Football Tournament, on the illustrious occasion of Vijay Diwas. This tournament, named after the gallant Captain Jintu Gogoi from Golaghat, Assam, who made the supreme sacrifice during the Kargil War in 1999, is designed to ignite the spirit of competition and camaraderie among the region’s youth.
The grand unveiling ceremony occurred in Digboi in Assam, orchestrated by the Laipuli Brigade of the Red Shield Division. This brigade holds a remarkable legacy, having played a pivotal role in the 1971 operations on the Eastern Front and is also known as the Albert Ekka Brigade, in tribute to Lance Naik Albert Ekka. Lance Naik Albert Ekka’s extraordinary bravery during the Battle of Gangasagar earned him India’s highest military honour, the Param Vir Chakra, a testament to his unwavering courage and selflessness.
The event was graced by an enthusiastic gathering of young footballers from local schools in Digboi, alongside team captains and managers from various participating clubs. This year’s tournament will showcase an exhilarating clash of 12 teams from across Assam, all vying for the prestigious championship title. Matches will unfold at multiple venues throughout Tinsukia, culminating in a thrilling grand finale at Duliajan. The air was excited as young enthusiasts captured unforgettable moments with the illustrious ‘Champions’ trophy.
Now in its 20th edition, this tournament has blossomed into a vibrant celebration of sporting excellence, captivating sports enthusiasts across the region. It highlights the burgeoning talent of young footballers and stands as a poignant tribute to the bravery and sacrifices of our nation’s heroes. The Captain Jintu Gogoi, Vir Chakra Football Tournament is not merely a sporting event; it is a resounding call to honour our past while inspiring future generations to embrace the spirit of unity and resilience through sports, a press statement released by defence PRO Col. Mahindra Rawat reads.