The killing of two migrant labourers from Bihar in Manipur is a part of the bigger conspiracy to destabilise the state once more, says Chief Minister N Biren Singh. Condemning the brutal killing of two construction labourers on November 14, CM Singh said, ‘This act of terrorism is a direct assault on our values, and my deepest condolences go out to their grieving families.”
Notably, Sunalal Kumar (18) and Dasharat Kumar (17), from Bihar were killed in Kakching district in Manipur while they were returning to their rented room from a construction site. CM Singh further said,” In this crucial juncture, we cannot ignore the possibility that this horrific crime is part of a larger conspiracy to destabilise our state and push it further towards chaos. We must stand together against these destructive forces and ensure that they do not succeed in creating fear and insecurity.”
An ex gratia of Rs 10 lakh to each bereaved family was also announced by the CM. He further added that every possible effort is underway to identify, apprehend, and prosecute those responsible. If required, the case will be transferred to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to ensure a fair and thorough inquiry, the CM said.
Meanwhile, following the killing of the two non-locals at Keirak by unknown armed miscreants, operations were conducted on a large scale at various suspected areas by joint security teams. During one such operation, on November 16, Manipur Police arrested an active cadre of the KCP (PWG), namely Irengbam Rameshwar Singh (48), from the Kakching Lamkhai area under Kakching PS, Kakching District. Further, from his disclosure, a Police team searched a camp located at the Kakching Mamang Ching Laipham Loknung area and arrested the seven cadres of KCP (PWG) on the spot. The arrested militants were identified as Elangabm Herojit Singh (40), Heikrujam Prem (28), Okram Arundatta (30), Senjam Rebingson (27), Okram Amarjit (31), Aribam Ghanendrajit Sharma (25) and Chongtham Rajkumar (26).
Security forces also seized one 7.65 Pistol along with a magazine, one Country made 9mm Pistol along with a magazine, one .32 Pistol along with a magazine, one country made 7.62 Sniper Rifle along with magazine, two DBBL Guns, two SBBL Guns, three HE Grenade along with one detonator, nineteen live round ammunitions. Investigations are on to identify the militants involved in the killings of innocent labourers.
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