Tragedy struck the village of Laharwadi in Haryana’s Nuh district on December 14, when a 24-year-old physically challenged woman, Shehnaz, was burnt to death during a violent clash between two groups. The altercation reportedly stemmed from tensions over the arrest of suspects in an eight-month-old murder case.
Shehnaz, who had a walking disability, succumbed to the flames on the spot. Her family has alleged that the rival group deliberately set her on fire.
Police Statement and Investigation
“The death of the woman in a clash between two groups is a matter of investigation. We are investigating to find out the truth in the matter,” said Pradeep Kumar, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), Punhana.
Punhana police have registered a case against 51 individuals in connection with the incident, including 43 named and eight unidentified suspects. Raids are being conducted across Haryana and neighbouring Rajasthan to apprehend the accused.
Village Plunged into Silence
Following the horrific incident, Laharwadi village is gripped with fear and tension. Many families have locked their homes, leaving the area deserted. The accused, whose houses have also been locked for months, are believed to be in hiding, as per media reports.
Timeline of the Conflict
The roots of this violent clash can be traced back to May 2024, when Shehnaz’s brother, Rizwan, was murdered. Rizwan’s family has accused members of the rival group of being involved in his killing. A case was filed, and three suspects—Salim, Muttal, and Mojuda—were arrested, but the remaining accused fled the village.
“Shehnaz’s brother Rizwan was brutally murdered seven months ago by these same individuals, and only two arrests have been made so far,” said Anees, Shehnaz’s brother. He further alleged, “Even one of those arrested was released, while the main accused continue to roam freely.”
Tensions Escalate After Police Intervention
On December 12, both parties were summoned to the Punhana police station for a panchayat to discuss the case. DSP Pradeep Kumar was present, along with other villagers. “Some members of the village wanted the accused to return to the village,” explained a senior police officer.
The victim’s family, however, strongly opposed the reintegration of the accused without significant arrests. The family alleges that despite repeated visits to higher police officials, no substantial action has been taken.
On the afternoon of December 13, tensions boiled over when the accused arrived in the village. Rizwan’s family protested, leading to a violent clash between the two groups, involving stone-pelting and the eventual death of Shehnaz.
A video of the incident has gone viral on social media, further intensifying public outrage. The police have maintained a presence in the village to prevent further violence, but locals claim the situation on the ground remains volatile.
Two Murders in Seven Months
The incident marks the second murder in the same family within seven months. Villagers are questioning the efficacy of law and order demanding stricter action.
“These same people killed my brother too,” said Anees, accusing the accused of exerting pressure and threatening his family. “If justice is not served, we may be forced to take drastic steps.”
Police Investigation Continues
Punhana Station House Officer Jangsheer confirmed that the police are probing both murder and suicide angles in Shehnaz’s death. “We are actively investigating whether the fire was started deliberately by the accused or if it was a case of suicide,” he said.
He assured the public that efforts are underway to arrest the suspects, with teams conducting raids in Rajasthan and nearby regions. “The accused will be arrested soon,” he added.
Call for Justice
Local residents have urged the police to take stringent action against the guilty to prevent similar incidents in the future. “Whoever is responsible for this tragedy must face the strictest legal action,” said one villager.
Anees, Shehnaz’s relative, said, “Before the incident, a meeting was held between the family of the accused and the deceased in the presence of police regarding Rizwan’s murder…” Shehnaz was a graduate student and had given her exam the day before she was killed, he added.
The tragic death of Shehnaz and the unresolved murder of her brother Rizwan have left Laharwadi village in mourning and exposed deep-seated tensions within the community.
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