In Bulandshahr district, Uttar Pradesh, a vegetable vendor was caught on video spitting on vegetables at a local market in the Anupshahar police station area. Following the viral footage, the police took action and arrested the accused on December 14. He has been charged under the Food Security Act.
Anupshahar Kotwal Rakesh Kumar Singh stated that the accused was questioned by the police, during which he explained that he was chewing gutkha and attempting to spit out the betel nut particles. The accused further claimed that the video was made with “wrong” intent. The police have confirmed that the investigation is ongoing, and SSP Shlok Kumar stated that further action will be taken based on the investigation’s findings. As per reports, the name of the accused is Shamim.
Earlier, on December 3, a video went viral from Chauhalda village in Baghpat, where two youths were caught on camera repeatedly spitting while preparing naan.
In a similar incident in Ghaziabad, a minor working at a hotel was accused of spitting on rotis while preparing them. The CCTV footage of the act went viral, prompting police to take action and arrest the hotel owner and his associate. The incident occurred in the Modinagar Police Station area when Prakash Singh and his friend visited the hotel and noticed the worker spitting on the rotis. To support his complaint, Prakash recorded a video of the act. When he raised the issue with the hotel owner, Anuj, and his associate Abid, they allegedly attacked him and his friend.
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