In an undated video going viral on social media, a man named Gurpreet Singh, claiming to be the brother-in-law of ex-Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh, is seen making shocking allegations. He accused Giani Harpreet Singh of having illicit physical relations with his sister-in-law both before and after her marriage. The video is from Lok Awaz TV, a local news channel in Punjab.
Gurpreet Singh further alleged that Giani Harpreet Singh had filed false cases against him, which led to his imprisonment for 14 months and his subsequent dismissal from his job. Notably, he had made these allegations after 12 years of divorce with his wife.
🚨Shocking allegations against Takht Damdama Sahib Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh by his own brother-in-law (saandhu):
• Illicit physical relations with his sister-in-law before & after her marriage
• Asking children to bring porn*graphic films
• Framing him in a false case
— PunjabBee (@PunjabBee) December 15, 2024
Meanwhile, another brother-in-law of Giani Harpreet Singh, Jaswinder, has denied all the allegations, stating that Gurpreet is making these claims to malign the character of Giani Harpreet Singh.
🚨Shocking allegations against ex. Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh! His brother-in-law accuses him of an illicit relationship with his wife and claims his sister-in-law falsely imprisoned him for 14 months and got him fired from his job.
Source: The Khalas TV
— PunjabBee (@PunjabBee) December 11, 2024
Jaswinder added that the family has not been in touch with Gurpreet for many years, describing him as mentally unstable and a habitual alcoholic.
Further details awaited.