In a high-profile operation, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) raided the residence of Mufti Khalid Ansari Nadvi in Super Colony, Jhansi, on December 12 at around 2:30 a.m. The raid was conducted in connection with an ongoing investigation into foreign funding and money laundering activities. Nadvi, a nephew of the city Qazi, has also been under scrutiny for alleged involvement in spreading terrorist propaganda and radicalising individuals linked to Jaish-e-Mohammed.
The raid, carried out in the Kotwali police station area near Saleem Bagh, uncovered several documents and electronic devices, including Nadvi’s passport and bank statements, which were confiscated for further investigation. Nadvi, who runs an online Islamic coaching center catering to students from India and abroad, is suspected of receiving foreign funds under dubious circumstances.
“Around 2:30-3 a.m., NIA officials knocked on my door,” Nadvi said to the media. “They searched the house, took books they deemed suspicious, and questioned me about my bank transactions, WhatsApp contacts, and groups. They also inquired about a figure named Muhammad Ilyas Ghuman.”
थाना कोतवाली क्षेत्रान्तर्गत एन.आई.ए. व ए.टी.एस. की संयुक्त टीम द्वारा संदिग्ध व्यक्ति को हिरासत में लेकर की जा रही पूछताछ आदि के सम्बन्ध में-
— Jhansi Police (@jhansipolice) December 12, 2024
Despite his claims of innocence, Nadvi was taken into custody for further interrogation.
As the news of Nadvi’s detention spread, tensions escalated. Supporters of Nadvi, summoned via an announcement from a local mosque, gathered in large numbers. A crowd of over 200 men and women surrounded the NIA convoy in an attempt to prevent Nadvi’s removal. The situation deteriorated as the mob argued with authorities and tried to forcibly free Nadvi.
Despite the chaos, Jhansi Police, with the help of additional reinforcements, successfully handled the situation. “Although the mob attempted to break Nadvi free, they were not successful. The accused has been taken into custody and is under probe as per law,” clarified a Jhansi Police official.
Earlier reports suggested that the mob had succeeded in rescuing Nadvi. However, police issued a statement denying these claims, emphasising that the crowd was dispersed peacefully, and Nadvi remained in custody.
City Qazi Mufti Sabir Ansari expressed concerns over the raid, stating, “He [Nadvi] has been teaching Urdu and the Quran online for over a decade. No incriminating evidence was found during the raid. The people merely demanded that questioning be conducted locally rather than taking him away.”
Meanwhile, locals alleged that Nadvi was being harassed without reason, fueling their confrontation with the authorities.
The NIA has confiscated critical materials, including documents and electronic devices, which will be sent to Delhi for analysis. Authorities are investigating Nadvi’s alleged foreign connections and financial activities.