In a disturbing incident from Chawara Devi Vidyapeeth School in Narsinghpur district, Madhya Pradesh, a seventh-grade student was allegedly slapped and humiliated by a teacher for saying “Radhe-Radhe.” The incident has triggered widespread concern, with the student’s parents accusing the teacher of religious discrimination and mental harassment.
The incident reportedly occurred on the morning of December 10, when the student, identified as a resident of the area, was coming out from the school bus. According to the complaint filed by the student’s father, Jay Singh Verma, teacher Habib Shah Khan instructed the student to get off the bus quickly. The student greeted the teacher with the traditional Hindu salutation “Radhe-Radhe,” which allegedly enraged Khan. It is claimed that the teacher slapped the student and reprimanded him, saying, “I’ll get rid of your Radhe-Radhe.”
Despite the alleged assault, the student proceeded to complete his exam before informing his parents about the incident later that day. The following morning, Verma approached the school administration to lodge a verbal complaint, demanding action against the teacher. However, dissatisfied with the lack of response from the school, Verma escalated the matter to district authorities, including the Collector and Superintendent of Police.
Jay Singh Verma detailed his grievances in a formal complaint to Collector Sheela Patel, SP Mrigakhi Deka, and District Education Officer (DEO) Anil Byohar. “My son was humiliated and assaulted for a harmless greeting. We approached the school, but they ignored us. This prompted us to seek justice from higher authorities,” Verma said.
Meanwhile, DEO Anil Byohar, who was in Bhopal at the time, confirmed that he had directed the Block Education Officer (BEO) to investigate the matter. Collector Patel assured immediate action and announced that an investigation team would be sent to the school.
The school principal, Babu John, issued a statement saying, “We have invited the student’s parents to discuss the issue. Our priority is to resolve the matter amicably and ensure such incidents do not recur.”
Verma reported that the school management had offered a written apology. The principal also claimed to have mediated between the parents and the teacher, resulting in an alleged settlement. However, the parents have continued to demand accountability and action, accusing the teacher and school management of insulting Sanatan Dharma and causing mental distress to the student.
Superintendent of Police Mrigakhi Deka stated that while the complaint was noted, the matter did not qualify as a serious criminal offense. “A settlement was reached between the school administration and the parents. The principal acted promptly to mediate,” Deka said. The police have since closed the case following the agreement.
The incident has sparked a heated debate on social media and within the local community, with many questioning the school’s handling of the situation. Critics argue that the response undermines the gravity of the allegations, while others have expressed concern over the implications of such incidents on communal harmony.