In yet another case of Hindu conversions to Christianity, a new incident has emerged from the well-known Amethi district of Uttar Pradesh. According to details collected by Organiser, conversion activities have been ongoing in the region for over a decade, with makeshift churches operating at homes and pastors frequently travelling to organise gatherings. Events such as “Bible Reading Sessions,” “Prarthana Sabhas,” and “Changai Sabhas” have been routinely held, targeting Hindus—particularly from the Dalit and Valmiki communities—through promises of financial aid and other facilities.
This report highlights two recent cases of forced conversions filed with the police over the past three months, along with numerous others that remain unchecked.
Case 1: FIR No. 129/2024 (Ramganj Police Station)
On December 9, a First Information Report (FIR) was registered at the Ramganj Police Station by a complainant named Govind. He accused three individuals—Om Prakash, Ram Lal Kori, and Sandeep Kori—of coercing people into converting to Christianity. All three accused belong to the Dalit community and have been booked under Sections 3 and 5(1) of the Uttar Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act.
As per the FIR, Om Prakash’s house was being used as a place for Christian prayers. Govind stated:
“I also went there many times to pray but could not understand it, so I stopped going. Om Prakash and his associates conduct prayers in Christianity and ask villagers to accept Christianity, promising financial help and other benefits. This is why I have informed the police. I request appropriate action be taken.”
Case 2: FIR No. 100/2024 (Ramganj Police Station)
On September 6, another FIR was filed by a complainant named Gokul. He accused a man named Avadhesh, also known as Vikas, of converting people to Christianity. Avadhesh, who belongs to the Harijan community, reportedly organised prayer meetings to entice others to convert.
Gokul’s complaint stated:
“Awadhesh alias Vikas, son of Girdhari Lal Harijan, has been holding prayer meetings at his house for the past five to six years. I attended these gatherings two or three times. Around thirty to forty people chanted ‘Jai Ho to Jesus Christ’ for hours, guided by Vikas, who read passages from the Bible. He motivated attendees to convert by offering economic and social incentives. I later learned that Vikas himself had converted to Christianity and is now pressuring others to do the same. The crowd at his house is growing, and he even asked me to adopt Christianity. I urge the authorities to take necessary action.”
Widespread Conversion Activities in Amethi
Cases of conversion to Christianity are reportedly at an all-time high in Amethi, with hotspots including Gauriganj, Raikwaran ka Purva, Chhitepur, Rohsi, Chandaipur, Kharwan, and Attanagar. These areas have become hubs for missionary activities, with incidents in Raikwaran ka Purva reportedly led by a man named Shri Ram Saroj, now known as Pastor Philip.
Pastor Philip is accused of targeting Dalit communities by offering various incentives and conducting religious gatherings under the guise of satsangs. Participants are provided with religious books and introduced to Christian principles. Outsiders are also reportedly involved in these gatherings, further encouraging conversions.
In Gauriganj, large prayer meetings are regularly held, attracting hundreds of attendees from surrounding villages. Similar activities have been reported in the Ramganj police station area, where Gokul’s complaint resulted in the arrest of Awadhesh alias Vikas.
Growing Network of Missionary Activities
The conversion network in Amethi is spreading rapidly, raising serious concerns among locals and authorities alike. Despite the registration of cases, unchecked activities persist, and stringent action is urgently needed to curb these unlawful practices.
Organiser has been consistently documenting large-scale religious conversion activities in parts of Uttar Pradesh, where Hindus en masse are being converted to Christianity. On December 10, this correspondent reported two significant cases from Meerut, where first 50 and then 30 members of the Hindu community were found participating in Bible reading sessions, with many eventually converting.
Meerut Case 1: FIR No. 462/24, (Partapur Police Station)
On December 8, 2024, the police in Partapur, Meerut, disrupted a large-scale religious conversion event under the guise of a prayer meeting labelled “Masihi Prarthana Sabha”. The gathering, held in Shankar Colony, involved over 50 Hindus who were reportedly lured with promises of miracles and financial aid.
Following a complaint from local Hindu activists, law enforcement intervened and arrested the accused, including Vineet Pastor and his associates. An FIR (No. 462/24) was registered at Partapur Police Station under the Uttar Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act.
The FIR detailed that Vineet Pastor had been organizing such gatherings in multiple cities, enticing Hindus with assurances of divine cures and material benefits. The operation was exposed when activists discovered the systematic effort to convert vulnerable individuals under false pretences.
Meerut Case 2: FIR No. 646/2024, (Kankarkheda Police Station)
A separate case emerged in Vikas Enclave on Rohta Road, where a similar conversion racket was uncovered. The accused, Pastor Biju Mathew, originally from Kerala, was arrested during a raid on House No. 189 in the colony. A week later, he was formally charged under the Uttar Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act (FIR No. 646/2024, Kankarkheda Police Station).
The complaint, filed by Hindu activist Sarvesh Upadhyay, revealed disturbing details about the operation. According to the FIR:
“A large number of Hindu women were being called to House No. 189, owned by Prince Kumar. Around 25-30 women were found sitting on the floor, listening to Pastor Biju Mathew, who was persuading them to adopt Christianity. He claimed their illnesses and problems would be cured if they converted. Investigation revealed that Pastor Biju had already converted 300 families. Children from these families disclosed that after prayers, the pastor assured them that their sorrows would vanish if they embraced Christianity. Some attendees even received money in envelopes after the sessions.”
Widespread Conversion Activities and Challenges
Such cases are not isolated to Uttar Pradesh; similar reports are surfacing across Bharat. These conversion activities, often targeting economically or socially vulnerable groups, have led to the mass departure of Hindus from their faith.
Despite the Uttar Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act being one of the strongest anti-conversion laws in the country, the issue persists, indicating the need for a more robust and multi-pronged approach. Beyond enforcement, measures are required to prevent exploitation and ensure that those who convert under false promises do not exploit benefits meant for their original caste while simultaneously adopting a new religious identity.
Organiser has extensively covered this phenomenon, particularly during the Jharkhand elections, where investigations in remote villages revealed large-scale tribal conversions to Christianity. Many of these individuals identified themselves as “Tribal-Christians,” stating: “Adivasi is our caste, and Christianity is our religion.”
To better understand the issue, viewers can watch a detailed video report here: [link].