In Chhattisgarh’s Kondagaon district lies Satgaon, a small village battling neglect, underdevelopment, and governmental indifference. The village recently made headlines when about 30 youths banded together to construct a 2 km kutcha road, a lifeline for their community, in just three nights. This extraordinary feat was born out of frustration with local authorities’ inaction and a spark of inspiration from a soldier, Shuklal Netam, who instilled in them the spirit of self-reliance.
Satgaon is situated only 12 km from the district headquarters and 200 km from Raipur, but its connectivity woes make it seem far more isolated. The sole kutcha road linking the village to the outside world was riddled with deep potholes and jagged stones. For years, this road caused daily accidents as villagers on bicycles and motorcycles struggled to traverse its treacherous terrain.
During the rainy season, the situation worsened. The road became a muddy quagmire, cutting off the village from essential services and creating a nightmare for schoolchildren and emergency responders. Ambulances often could not reach the village, forcing residents to carry patients on makeshift stretchers over kilometers of uneven ground.
Despite repeated complaints to the local administration and Sarpanch Jayanti Netam, no action was taken. “We were always given empty promises,” lamented a resident.
Everything changed in early November when Shuklal Netam, a soldier stationed in Assam and a native of Satgaon, returned home on leave. Seeing the villagers’ plight, especially the children struggling to reach school, Netam decided to act.
“When I saw how much people were suffering, I couldn’t stay silent,” said Netam. He rallied the village’s youth, telling them, “Why wait for the government or Panchayat? If we can do it ourselves, we must.” His words ignited a spark in the community, and the youth began organizing themselves for the daunting task ahead.
Initially hesitant, the youth quickly rallied behind Netam’s vision. They raised Rs 15,000 through community donations to purchase raw materials. One villager offered his tractor; another provided electricity. People from all walks of life—farmers, carpenters, electricians, drivers, and laborers—contributed their skills and time.
With everyone juggling daytime jobs, they decided to work through the night. Starting at 6 pm and working until sunrise, the group labored tirelessly for three consecutive nights to transform the dangerous path into a functional road.
The scenes of camaraderie were heartwarming. Volunteers shared meals, sang songs, and worked through fatigue, united by a common goal. “This road is our lifeline,” said Manohar Netam, a volunteer. “It connects us to education, healthcare, and markets. We couldn’t wait anymore for someone else to fix it.”
By the end of the third night, their efforts paid off. The 2 km road, though still a kutcha path, was now smooth and safe for travel. The youth immediately called Netam, who had returned to his post in Assam, to share the news. “We did it, brother! Now there will be no more accidents,” they told him.
When asked about the situation, Sarpanch Jayanti Netam claimed that the Panchayat lacked funds to repair the road and that temporary fixes were made during the rainy season. However, villagers dismissed these excuses, highlighting the government’s failure to address their basic needs.
This incident also sheds light on a larger issue plaguing Bastar. For over two decades, the region has struggled with Maoist insurgency, which has hampered development projects. While government officials cite these challenges, locals argue that their needs are being ignored, with villages like Satgaon left to fend for themselves.