In a tragic incident that has sent shockwaves across Patiyadih village under the Arjuni police station area of Dhamtari district in Chhattisgarh, a 30-year-old tailor, Linesh Sahu, ended his life after facing relentless pressure from his wife and in-laws to convert his religion. The incident unfolded on the morning of December 7, leaving the local community in mourning and sparking outrage over issues of forced religious conversion.
A Distressing Final Message
Before taking the drastic step, Linesh Sahu updated his WhatsApp status, leaving behind a chilling account of the mental anguish he endured. In his status, he wrote:
“I am troubled by my wife. She harasses me a lot to convert my religion. She keeps me up all night saying, ‘Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ.’ When I go to my in-laws’ place, my mother-in-law, elder sister-in-law, and younger sister-in-law all harass me to change my religion. They say, ‘You come here, then we will convince your parents too.’ That’s why I never ate there (at my in-laws).”
The status further alleged deceit in the relationship, stating that his wife’s education had been misrepresented during marriage discussions. He revealed, “She was said to have studied till 12th, but she has only completed 8th grade. Despite giving her all the money I earned weekly, she never spoke to me lovingly.”
The Incident
According to reports, his family members found Linesh Sahu hanging out at his residence. The devastated family immediately informed the police. Investigators arrived on the scene and discovered the young man’s final status update, which shed light on the alleged reasons behind his extreme decision.
Police Action: Arrests Made
Following the complaint filed by Linesh’s family, the Arjuni police launched a detailed investigation. Based on the evidence, including the victim’s WhatsApp status, four individuals, including Linesh’s wife, mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law, were arrested on charges of abetment of suicide.
The accused have been charged under Section 108 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which deals with abetment. According to the police, the consistent harassment and pressure to convert his religion led to Linesh’s mental distress, ultimately driving him to end his life.
Demands for Justice
The incident has sparked outrage in the local community, with many calling for strict action against the accused. A neighbour, speaking to reporters said, “Linesh was a hardworking man and had no history of personal disputes before his marriage. This incident highlights the need to address forced conversions and protect individuals from such undue pressure.”
Ongoing Investigation
The police are conducting further investigations to gather more evidence and understand the full extent of the alleged harassment. Meanwhile, community leaders have appealed for calm, urging people to respect the ongoing legal process.
Linesh’s tragic story serves as a sombre reminder of the need for stronger safeguards to prevent coercion and ensure individual freedom in matters of faith.