Chennai witnessed a stormy political and social event on December 6, 2024, as the fledgling Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK), led by actor Joseph Vijay, organized its first public meeting since its October launch. The event, held to release a book on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar titled “Ellarukkumana Thalaivar: Dr. Ambedkar” (A Leader for All), soon escalated into a platform for criticizing the DMK’s dynasty politics, allegations of promoting Buddhism, and accusations of anti-nationalism.
The event, co-hosted by the Voice of Commons, a political strategy firm owned by VCK deputy general secretary Aadhav Arjuna, became a hotbed of controversy. Criticisms ranged from allegations of religious propaganda to displaying an incorrect map of India and remarks targeting Tamil Nadu’s ruling DMK.
Religious Propaganda Allegations Spark Furore
The controversy began with the walkout of a Dindigul district TVK functionary who accused the event of being a platform for promoting Buddhism rather than addressing people-centric issues. Amid tight security, the individual managed to voice his concerns to the media before being silenced by Vijay’s security personnel, who demanded the media stop recording. He alleged that TVK was misleading its members and indulging in religious propaganda under the guise of politics.
He stated, “They are trying to promote Buddhist religion, cheating lakhs of youths in the party. India has a rich tapestry of deities, and dividing people on religious lines is unacceptable. They are misleading Thalapathy Vijay.”
Criticism Over Vijay’s Silence on Hindu Atrocities
Adding fuel to the fire, BJP functionaries criticized Vijay for speaking only about the Manipur violence and blaming the central government while remaining silent on atrocities against Hindus in Bangladesh. This selective focus raised questions about his priorities, with critics alleging that his actions aimed to shield his Christian beliefs while avoiding Hindu-centric issues.
Anti-National Allegations Over Incorrect Map Display
The event also drew severe backlash for displaying an incorrect map of India that excluded Kashmir. Dr. Praveen Kumar, a political commentator, took to the social media platform X, accusing Vijay of anti-national behavior. In a scathing post, he questioned Vijay’s understanding of Kashmir’s spiritual and geopolitical significance and speculated whether the omission was intentional.
Dr. Kumar wrote, “Why is Vijay showing the wrong map of India? Does he understand the importance of Kashmir to India? If this was intentional, it’s dangerous. If inadvertent, it reflects ignorance. Either way, Vijay’s political ambitions appear risky.”
Vijay’s Speech Targets DMK
Actor Vijay’s speech at the event was equally controversial, as he launched a scathing attack on the DMK’s dynasty politics. He criticized the government for its failure to arrest culprits in the Vengaivayal incident, where human excreta was mixed in an overhead water tank serving a Dalit colony two years ago.
He remarked, “If Dr. Ambedkar were alive today, he would hang his head in shame at the state of social justice in Tamil Nadu. To protect the people, we need a government that truly loves them, not one that prioritizes alliances and seat calculations.”
Vijay also alleged that DMK leaders were arrogant in claiming they would win 200 seats in the 2026 state assembly elections. He warned that Tamil Nadu’s people would reject such selfish alliance politics.
Aadhav Arjuna’s Anti-DMK Comments Stir Alliance Rift
Aadhav Arjuna, co-publisher of the book and deputy general secretary of VCK, further stoked controversy by attacking DMK’s dynasty politics. Arjuna criticized the DMK for monopolizing power and called for a Dalit or ideologically committed leader to rule Tamil Nadu.
He stated, “Tamil Nadu is ruled by monarchy. Chief Ministers are chosen based on birth. In 2026, this monarchy should end, and a common man or a Dalit should become the Chief Minister.”
This drew sharp reactions from VCK leader Thol Thirumavalavan, who distanced himself from Arjuna’s remarks, calling them personal views that do not represent the party. He reiterated VCK’s commitment to the DMK alliance, accusing political opponents of attempting to weaken it.
Thirumavalavan stated, “There is no pressure on VCK from the DMK. Opponents are trying to break the alliance, and we will not fall prey to their machinations.”
Critics Question Arjuna’s Motives
Political analysts noted that Aadhav Arjuna, the son-in-law of controversial lottery baron Santiago Martin, has recently joined the VCK and has been making statements critical of the DMK. Some speculate that his comments could be part of a larger strategy to split the DMK and VCK alliance, creating space for a dummy alliance led by Vijay’s TVK.
Critics have compared Arjuna’s role to that of political strategist Prashant Kishor, suggesting that he may be facilitating a plan similar to the one DMK used to defeat AIADMK in 2016.
Vijay’s Political Ambitions and TVK’s Future
The event marked a significant moment for Vijay’s TVK, showcasing its readiness to challenge established political players. Vijay expressed confidence in his party’s ability to win the 2026 elections and called for electing a government that genuinely cares for the people of Tamil Nadu.
However, the controversies surrounding the event, including allegations of religious propaganda, anti-nationalism, and Arjuna’s divisive remarks, have cast a shadow on TVK’s debut. Vijay’s ability to navigate these challenges and present a unified vision will determine his party’s political trajectory in the coming years.
Amidst these developments, CM MK Stalin said, “The fascist and casteist aspirations of some who want to tarnish the name of the Dravidian model government will never succeed in the land of Periyar E.V. Ramasamy and the land nurtured by the policies of Ambedkar. As long as I am here, they will not succeed.”
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