Another tragic instance of an interfaith relationship gone awry has surfaced, this time from Uttar Pradesh’s Shravasti district. A Hindu woman from Nagpur, identified as Swati, fell in love with a man named Safique Khan through a social media platform. The relationship culminated in marriage, during which Swati converted to Islam, adopting the name Nargis Khan. However, after the birth of their child, Swati was abandoned by Safique and left with no option but to seek legal recourse.
Safique is reportedly absconding, but his father has been detained by the Uttar Pradesh Police for questioning. A First Information Report (FIR No. 331/2024) was registered at the Ikauna Police Station on December 4, following Swati’s complaint. The case has drawn attention to the growing number of such incidents, sparking renewed debate around interfaith relationships and the exploitation often involved.
Allegations of Abuse and Deception
In her complaint, Swati provided a detailed account of her ordeal. She alleged that Safique, son of Ajjan Khan from Hasina village, lured her into marriage under false pretences. According to Swati, the two met on a social media platform and soon began communicating frequently. Their interactions led to in-person meetings and eventually marriage.
The couple initially lived in Nagpur, where their relationship appeared stable. However, Swati claims that after she gave birth to their child, Safique abandoned her and returned to his ancestral home in Vishunpur Mishrapur, Shravasti. Determined to seek justice, Swati travelled to Shravasti on December 3 with her two children to confront Safique and his family.
Upon reaching the house, Swati alleges she was met with hostility. In her complaint, she stated: “The accused verbally abused me with slurs, physically assaulted me with punches, kicks, and slaps, and struck me on the head with a lathi (stick). He also threatened to kill me, leaving injuries all over my body.”
Police Intervention and Legal Proceedings
Initially, local police were reportedly reluctant to act on Swati’s complaint. However, after the intervention of Shravasti Superintendent of Police Ghanshyam Chaurasia, the case was registered under Sections 115(2), 352, and 351(3) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS).
CO Ikauna, Satish Kumar Sharma, informed the media that the police had detained Safique’s father for questioning. Sharma stated, “We have registered a case against the accused based on Swati’s complaint. Her father-in-law has been arrested, and further legal action will be taken as evidence emerges.”
Meanwhile, efforts are ongoing to locate Safique, who remains on the run.
What Went Wrong?
According to media reports, Swati’s troubles began when she was allegedly coerced into converting to Islam before marriage. Initially blinded by love, she accepted a new identity as Nargis Khan and married Safique according to Muslim customs. However, within a year of marriage, the relationship soured, leading to abandonment and abuse.
Sources claim that upon returning to her in-laws’ home, Swati faced severe mistreatment from Safique’s family, who refused to accept her due to her Hindu background. Unable to bear the harassment, Swati sought help from the police.
The case has reignited discussions about the exploitation of women in interfaith relationships, with many calling for stricter scrutiny of such cases to ensure justice for victims.