Over the past four years, a disturbing pattern has emerged in Indian politics, highlighting a covert alliance between the Congress party and foreign deep-state actors. By exploiting reports and narratives crafted by Western agencies, Congress has launched relentless attacks on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government. This systematic strategy—backed by global networks—has not only disrupted Bharat’s parliamentary processes but also posed a significant threat to the nation’s sovereignty and democratic integrity.
However, a deeper investigation reveals an unsettling truth: these narratives, far from being organically developed within Bharat, are often crafted and disseminated by foreign agencies with vested interests. Congress’s reliance on these foreign reports not only undermines Bharat’s democratic processes but also exposes its complicity in a broader geopolitical agenda aimed at destabilising Bharat.
Congress’s strategy has consistently followed a calculated pattern:
Key issues like Pegasus, the Hunger Index, and Adani controversies have their genesis in reports published by Western agencies or investigative journalism platforms. Using these foreign-origin stories, Congress escalates its attacks on the BJP government, often disrupting Parliament to stall crucial legislative work. Rahul Gandhi and other Congress leaders took these narratives abroad, tarnishing Bharat’s image on global platforms.
This deliberate orchestration raises a pivotal question: Who is writing the script for Congress’s political campaigns?
The Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) has emerged as a key player in this unfolding drama. This Europe-based investigative journalism platform has been at the forefront of several hit pieces targeting the Modi government and Indian institutions.
Pegasus Spyware Scandal
Between 2021 and 2022, OCCRP released several articles alleging the misuse of Pegasus spyware in Bharat.
The timing was strategic, with reports often surfacing just before parliamentary sessions, giving Congress ammunition to disrupt proceedings and attack the government.
Rahul Gandhi and other Congress leaders capitalised on these allegations, even taking them to international platforms like Cambridge University, where Gandhi accused Bharat of privacy violations and democratic suppression.
Adani Targeting Campaign
OCCRP’s involvement deepened with the Adani controversy. Over the past year, it published multiple reports alleging financial misconduct by the Adani Group, Bharat’s largest private conglomerate. These allegations were eagerly seized upon by Congress, which launched an extensive campaign against Adani, with the ultimate goal of tarnishing PM Modi’s image. The selective targeting by OCCRP—ignoring thousands of corporations worldwide while fixating on Adani—raises serious concerns about its motives and backers.
The Deep-State Connection: Who Funds OCCRP?
OCCRP’s involvement in these controversies raises significant questions. Its relentless focus on Pegasus and Adani, coupled with its timing, suggests coordination with Congress to disrupt India’s political stability.
Funding Sources
OCCRP is funded by USAID, a US State Department agency, and receives substantial backing from George Soros and the Rockefeller Foundation. Reports indicate that 50 per cent of OCCRP’s funding comes directly from these entities, exposing its deep connections to the US State Department’s agenda.
Past Patterns
- Before targeting Adani, OCCRP’s reports focused heavily on Russian President Vladimir Putin, reflecting a pattern of undermining leaders viewed as obstacles to deep-state objectives.
- The disproportionate focus on India’s internal matters, particularly Adani and Pegasus, aligns with the US deep state’s long history of interference in sovereign nations.
Congress as the Deep State’s Domestic Arm
Congress’s alignment with these foreign entities is evident in its actions and narratives.
From accusing the Indian government of authoritarianism in Western universities to echoing OCCRP’s findings in press conferences, Rahul Gandhi’s rhetoric is closely aligned with deep-state narratives.
His secret visit to Uzbekistan in 2023 coincided with the presence of Samantha Power, the head of USAID. This raises serious questions about the nature of these interactions and Congress’s role in furthering foreign agendas.
Congress’s reliance on OCCRP material has led to repeated disruptions in Parliament, wasting taxpayers’ money and stalling critical legislative work.
By aligning with narratives pushed by foreign-funded entities like OCCRP, Congress has effectively become a tool for the US deep state to undermine India’s sovereignty. The Congress-deep state nexus is not unique to India. Similar strategies have been employed elsewhere, most notably in Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh, the opposition party BNP leveraged foreign narratives to destabilise the government, echoing Congress’s tactics in India. The deep state’s modus operandi involves using opposition parties as pawns to create chaos and weaken sovereign governments, furthering their own geopolitical interests.
This unholy alliance between Congress and foreign deep-state actors threatens to erode India’s sovereignty and democratic values. By prioritising foreign interests over national stability, Congress has jeopardised the nation’s progress and global standing.
The relentless targeting of Adani, a key player in India’s economy, risks undermining investor confidence and economic growth.
Parliamentary disruptions and divisive rhetoric weaken governance and stall crucial reforms. Accusations of authoritarianism and declining democracy—propagated by Congress through foreign narratives—damage India’s reputation on the global stage.