The Enforcement Directorate (ED), currently investigating the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) land scam, has uncovered shocking details of corruption that point to illegal land acquisitions, questionable site allocations, and the involvement of high-profile political figures, including Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s wife, Parvati. The investigation reveals that the land allocation process, particularly concerning the land in Kesare village, was rife with irregularities and violations of established laws.
The ED’s recent communication to the Lokayukta regarding the progress of the investigation has raised serious concerns about the political influence that may have played a role in this widespread corruption. Notably, the investigation sheds light on the illegal allotment of 14 plots to Parvati, Siddaramaiah’s wife, and the suspicious involvement of key individuals, including J. Devaraju, Mallikarjuna Swamy, and close aides of the Chief Minister.
Suspicious Actions by J. Devaraju: Land Acquisition Process Questioned
The epicentre of this scandal lies in the land acquisition process itself. J. Devaraju, the original owner of the disputed land in Kesare village, played a crucial role in the questionable land acquisition for MUDA sites. According to the ED’s investigation, Devaraju did not follow proper legal procedures for land denotification. Instead of submitting the required letter to the MUDA, Devaraju bypassed official channels and personally requested denotification from then Urban Development Minister Bachegowda in 1997.
The ED’s report raises further suspicions regarding Devaraju’s dealings. Despite claiming that he did not rely on the land for his livelihood and had not engaged in agricultural activities, he sold the land to Mallikarjuna Swamy in 2004, presenting it as agricultural property. The ED found significant contradictions in his statements about the land’s agricultural status, calling the transaction’s legitimacy into question.
False Claims by Mallikarjuna Swamy: Land Misrepresentation and Illegal Conversions
Mallikarjuna Swamy, brother-in-law of CM Siddaramaiah, has made multiple false statements regarding the land he acquired from Devaraju. Swamy claimed to have purchased the land for Rs. 5.95 lakh in 2004, describing it as agricultural land. However, the reality was far from his claims. By then, the construction of roads and settlement infrastructure had already begun on the land, contradicting Swamy’s assertion that no development work had taken place.
Further investigation by the ED revealed that in 2001, a work order was issued to construct a settlement, and by 2003, the settlement was almost ready for site allocation. However, in a blatant violation of land-use laws, the agricultural land was converted into non-agricultural land to facilitate the settlement. Vested political interests influenced this process. This illegal conversion occurred when Siddaramaiah was serving as Deputy Chief Minister in the Dharam Singh government, raising questions about the possible involvement of top political leaders in the land deal.
Parvati’s Role and Special Treatment in Site Allocation
One of the most startling revelations in the investigation concerns the allocation of 14 plots to Parvati, the wife of the sitting Chief Minister, Siddaramaiah. In 2010, Mallikarjuna Swamy allegedly gifted land to Parvati, sparking suspicion of whether he was aware of the land’s dubious status. The ED’s investigation strongly suggests that the entire process was orchestrated as part of a larger scam to acquire valuable land in a prime location, replacing the disputed land in Kesare village.
Parvati’s involvement became even more contentious in 2014 when she applied for compensation after her land was allegedly used in the settlement’s development. After Siddaramaiah became Chief Minister in 2013, Parvati’s application for compensation was fast-tracked. Under Commissioner Natesh’s direction, the MUDA agreed to provide compensation in an unusually favourable 60:40 ratio, inconsistent with standard procedures. This preferential treatment raised alarms about corruption at the highest levels.
The special treatment given to Parvati is compounded by the fact that Natesh, the MUDA Commissioner at the time, and Dinesh Kumar, Siddaramaiah’s close aide, were both allegedly involved in manipulating the process to ensure that Parvati received the compensation and site allocation she was seeking. Dinesh Kumar is said to have forged signatures and worked behind the scenes to influence the decisions regarding site allocation. It is clear from the investigation that corruption was rampant in the MUDA’s dealings, with political influence playing a major role.
Illegal Allocation of Sites and Favoritism
The ED’s investigation also uncovered blatant violations in allocating sites to Parvati and other beneficiaries. Despite 352 vacant plots in the Devanur Layout, 14 plots in the much-coveted Vijayanagara Layout were allocated to Parvati and others without proper sanctioning or adherence to the legal 60:40 distribution ratio. These allocations were done through illegal means, and a complete lack of transparency marred the process.
This illegal allotment of sites in a prime area raises serious questions about the role of political influence in securing these plots. Parvati’s son, Yathindra, the MLA of the Varuna constituency at the time, was also a member of the MUDA board. Furthermore, Dinesh Kumar, Siddaramaiah’s close associate, is believed to have used his influence within the MUDA to secure these illegal allocations. This raises concerns about the collusion between political figures and MUDA officials, and the extent to which the process was manipulated to benefit a select few.
A Deepening Scandal with Political Implications
The ED’s findings have confirmed what many had suspected: the MUDA land allocation process was fraught with corruption and manipulation, with key political figures, including CM Siddaramaiah’s family, benefiting from illegal land deals. The involvement of Devaraju, Mallikarjuna Swamy, and Parvati in the scam highlights the deep-seated corruption that has plagued the MUDA and other government bodies.
The investigation paints a grim picture of how political power was used to manipulate land acquisitions, site allocations, and compensation processes for personal gain. The preferential treatment given to Parvati, the illegal conversion of agricultural land, and the suspicious activities of various individuals all point to a major scandal that demands further scrutiny.
As the investigation progresses, the people of Karnataka are eagerly waiting to see if those responsible for this massive corruption scandal will be held accountable. The ED’s letter to the Lokayukta is a significant step forward in uncovering the truth, and it remains to be seen whether the authorities will take appropriate action against those who have misused their power for personal benefit.
The situation raises serious questions about the integrity of the MUDA, the role of key political figures, and the extent of corruption within the state’s urban development authorities. With the involvement of high-ranking officials and political leaders, this scandal can shake the foundations of the Karnataka government, and the public will be watching closely to see if justice is served.
Even though there is a serious question as to why the site was not allocated in the 60:40 ratio, the law seems to prohibit commercial sites from being given as compensation. Despite this, a site has been illegally allotted to Parvati in the prestigious Vijayanagara Layout. When the site was sanctioned, Parvati’s son, Yathindra, was the MLA of Varuna constituency and a member of the MUDA board. Parvati’s husband, Siddaramaiah, was the Leader of the Opposition at that time. Furthermore, Dinesh Kumar, who claims to be Siddaramaiah’s close aide, is likely to have used his influence within the MUDA to secure the allotment.