Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar made a heartfelt appeal to farmers across the nation, urging them to resolve their grievances through peaceful dialogue. Addressing the nation on December 1, during the 138th birth anniversary of Raja Mahendra Pratap, Dhankhar reassured protesting farmers that his doors remain open 24/7 to discuss and resolve their concerns.
His remarks come at a time when numerous farmers are engaged in various forms of protests, seeking solutions to a range of issues, including pending demands related to agricultural policies, minimum support prices, and rising costs of production. Dhankhar, emphasising the importance of unity and peaceful resolution, stated, “We must remember that we don’t fight with our own, we don’t deceive our own. Deception is for the enemy, while our own are to be embraced.” He acknowledged the deep-rooted distress among farmers, but expressed hope that through mutual understanding and constructive dialogue, solutions would be found swiftly.
The Vice President’s comments underscored the significance of the agricultural sector in shaping India’s future, particularly in achieving national development. He stressed, “The foundation of a developed India is laid on the land of farmers. The road to a developed India passes through the farmland.” He further reflected that the resolution of farmers’ issues must occur with urgency, as prolonged distress among farmers reflects a tarnish on the nation’s pride and honor.
“Wherever my farmer brothers are, and whichever protest they may be part of, my words will reach them,” Dhankhar added, highlighting his deep empathy for farmers’ struggles. He acknowledged the efforts already underway, particularly referencing the discussions initiated by Agriculture Minister Shivraj Chouhan. The Vice President assured that the government is actively addressing the issues at hand, reinforcing that open dialogue is the most effective tool for problem-solving.
Dhankhar was also vocal in condemning the stance of confrontation, calling it “poor diplomacy” and stressing that issues must be resolved through peaceful means. “An irretrievable and confrontational stance only serves to harm. We need to think openly, engage in open discussions, and forge a path forward,” he said, urging farmers to come to the table and work with the government for a peaceful resolution.
With farmers constituting the backbone of India’s agrarian economy, Dhankhar reminded the nation that distress among them affects the entire country. He called for greater transparency and openness in addressing their concerns, which often go unspoken, adding, “When farmers are distressed, it casts a blot on the pride and honor of the nation.”
In his closing remarks, Dhankhar made a solemn pledge, “My doors will remain open 24 hours a day to resolve the problems of farmers.” His statement reaffirms the Vice President’s commitment to ensuring that dialogue remains the cornerstone of resolving the pressing issues faced by the farming community.