A harrowing incident has surfaced in Jaswantgarh village, Udaipur district, where two cousin sisters, Ravina and Bhavana, died by suicide on November 10. Investigations suggest parallels to tactics depicted in film The Kerala Story, raising concerns about systematic brainwashing and coercion. The police have arrested Islamist Shahwaz, a resident of Hafizpur in Uttar Pradesh’s Hapur district, in connection with the case. The victims’ families are now demanding a CBI investigation to expose a potential larger racket behind this tragedy.
Timeline of events
The two girls, both 11th-grade students at Jaswantgarh School, allegedly consumed Celphos tablets on November 10 while wearing identical black salwar suits. Their bodies were discovered the next morning in a nearby field. Initial investigations revealed troubling evidence: Quranic verses and Islamic phrases written in their notebooks, along with indications they were learning Urdu. Social media activity uncovered that the girls had adopted Islamic names, Muskan and Anisa, raising further questions about their influences and interactions.
Evidence Points to Coercion
The victims’ mobile phone records showed over 3,000 calls exchanged with Shahwaz, signalling a deep level of involvement. Advocate Kamlesh Sharma, representing the family, stated that the evidence indicates systematic brainwashing, coercion, and financial exploitation. Stolen money from the girls’ homes—Rs 25,000 from one and Rs 7,000 from another—was allegedly transferred to Shahwaz’s account.
The families of the victims, particularly Bhavana’s father Bhanwar Bharti and Ravina’s father Poonam Bharti, handed over crucial evidence, including notebooks and mobile phones, to the police. They strongly believe this was not a simple suicide but a premeditated act involving manipulation and exploitation.
Legal Action and Investigation
Local police have registered a case under IPC Sections 107 and 108 for abetment of suicide. Shahwaz is in custody and under interrogation, with authorities investigating the potential involvement of other individuals, including a local youth and a female classmate, as per a supplementary complaint.
Station Officer Shaitan Singh Nathawat confirmed that all angles are being examined. “We are thoroughly analysing the evidence provided, including mobile records and the suspicious content in the girls’ belongings,” he stated. While the police continue their probe, growing public outrage has amplified calls for a high-level CBI investigation.
The incident has sparked widespread protests in Jaswantgarh. On November 20, the local market observed a shutdown as residents demanded severe punishment for the accused and stronger measures to prevent such tragedies.
Broader Concerns About Radicalisation
This tragic case is part of a concerning trend of targeted exploitation of Hindu girls by radical elements. Similar incidents across Bharat, such as one recently reported in Dehradun, highlight strategies involving emotional manipulation, religious coercion, and financial exploitation to pressure victims into abandoning their faith.
Often, Islamist individuals exploit personal relationships to introduce their narrative, presenting Islam as superior while disparaging Hindu practices. Promises of wealth, status, or marriage are used as bait, while rejection often escalates to threats or blackmail, creating a climate of fear and distress.
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