On November 15, three skeletons were discovered in Dahejwar village, Balrampur, Chhattisgarh. Investigations revealed that the remains belonged to a woman and her two children, including a 17-year-old girl. In connection with the brutal triple murder, police have arrested a man named Mukhtar Ansari, who is suspected of committing the horrific crime.
Reports suggest that the accused, Mukhtar Ansari, was angered by the fact that his elder brother, Arif Ansari, had been in a relationship with the minor girl and had stopped sending money to his family. In a fit of rage, Mukhtar allegedly murdered the girl, her mother, and her younger brother, who was also a minor.
Balrampur SP Vaibhav Banker stated that the accused, Mukhtar Ansari, originally from Jharkhand, has been arrested and presented before the court. The 38-year-old suspect has been remanded to police custody for five days. Further details of the case will be disclosed after the accused undergoes interrogation.
On November 15, three human skeletons were found in a field near a closed fly ash brick plant, along with three skulls and other body parts. Sarees, salwars, trousers, and other clothing items were also recovered from the scene. The victims were identified as Kaushalya Thakur (36), wife of Surajdev Thakur; their daughter Muktavati alias Muskan Thakur (17); and their son Mintu Thakur (6), who had been missing from Kusumi since September 27.
The investigation revealed that Muskan Thakur was in a romantic relationship with the accused’s brother, Arif Ansari, who worked as a contractor. Reports indicate that the relationship between Arif and Muskan has been confirmed through their call records and text messages.
Reports indicate that Mukhtar Ansari’s father was bitten by a snake, due to which his body parts are rotting. Despite this, his younger brother Arif did not send money for his father’s treatment. Mukhtar Ansari was angry with this and hatched a conspiracy to kill Muskan and her family.
On September 27, Mukhtar Ansari arrived in Kusumi and persuaded his brother’s girlfriend, her mother, and her young brother to accompany him. Later that night, while they were asleep, he attacked them with an axe several times on their heads and foreheads. After brutally murdering the trio, Mukhtar threw their bodies in a drain in a paddy field filled with water. As the bodies were submerged in water, the stench remained contained. It wasn’t until the owner of the paddy field, a resident of Maharajganj, discovered the shattered skeletons that he notified the police.
Meanwhile, Balrampur Police has faced accusations of negligence. Although a missing persons report was filed, they allegedly refused to register a criminal case in September, despite Surajdev Thakur suspecting that Arif may have been involved in the kidnapping of his family.
The police have stated that an investigation is ongoing to determine whether the victims travelled to Balrampur solely at the request of the main accused, Mukhtar Ansari, or if his brother, Arif Ansari, was also involved in the crime.
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