CHENNAI: In an important ruling, the Madras High Court has issued an interim order restraining the Madras Music Academy from conferring the prestigious Sangita Kalanidhi Award in the name of legendary Carnatic singer MS Subbulakshmi to musician TM Krishna. Justice G Jayachandran, while allowing the award to be presented, prohibited its conferment under MS Subbulakshmi’s name, citing her explicit wishes as outlined in her will.
The ruling came in response to a petition filed by V Shrinivasan, grandson of MS Subbulakshmi, who argued that his grandmother’s legacy was being misused. V Shrinivasan contended that Subbulakshmi’s will clearly stated that no memorials, trusts, or foundations should be established in her name. He also pointed out that Krishna’s past remarks, which allegedly referred to Subbulakshmi as “the greatest hoax of the twentieth century” and a “saintly Barbie doll,” were derogatory and disrespectful. Such comments, Srinivasan argued, made it inappropriate for Krishna to receive an award named after her.
Justice Jayachandran noted the importance of respecting the wishes of the departed icon, emphasizing that true reverence for her legacy would require adherence to her mandates. “If any person is truly reverent towards MS Subbulakshmi, after knowing her desire and mandate, they should not continue to give the award in her name,” he stated.
The court also dismissed an application by the Music Academy to reject V Shrinivasan’s petition, ruling that Shrinivasan, as a beneficiary of Subbulakshmi’s will, had the standing to challenge the award. Justice Jayachandran observed that Srinivasan had established a prima facie case and that the balance of convenience weighed in his favor.
The Madras Music Academy defended its decision-making process, asserting that the Sangita Kalanidhi Award’s selection is based on a transparent system and that the governing body does not influence recipient choices. They also highlighted that the award, instituted in 2005, had been presented annually without objections from Subbulakshmi’s family until now.
Despite the Academy’s stance, the court has directed it to reconsider the conferment of the award on TM Krishna without associating it with MS Subbulakshmi’s name. The ruling ensures that Krishna’s achievements are recognised separately from the late Carnatic music icon’s legacy.
The court’s decision underscores the significance of honoring the explicit wishes of cultural and historical figures. In this case, it highlighted the importance of respecting MS Subbulakshmi’s request to avoid using her name for institutional honours.
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