RAIPUR: Chhattisgarh police has arrested three youths after a 16-year-old girl lodged a written complaint against the trio for blackmailing her. The incident pertains to Bakimongda of Korba district where the victim girl has alleged main accused Sahil Ansari and his two associates for threatening her with her objectionable photographs.
According to the reports, the victim girl a student of class 10th was in a relationship with Sahil Ansari (19), a resident of Ghuddeva who raped her at his friend’s place on pretext of marriage. The girl in her complaint has further alleged Ansari’s associate Ramcharan Sahu for clicking objectionable pictures of her during her stay time in formers house.
Sahu later shared the objectionable pictures of the girl to another associate of Ansari, Takir Ali, a resident of Katghoda. After receiving the intimate photographs of the victim girl from Sahu, Ali started pressurizing her for sexual relationship and even threatened her to make the photos viral on the internet when she refused to comply with his demands.
Unable to bear Ali’s continuous blackmailing, the victim girl somehow mustered the courage and informed her family about the whole incident, leading to filing of an FIR (First Information Report) against the accused.
Following the complaint of the victim, an FIR under relevant sections of POCSO and IT Act was registered by the police after which the police apprehended all the three accused including Sahil.
During the course of investigation, it was unveiled that the prime accused Sahil was hand in gloves with Sahu in securing objectionable pictures of the minor victim girl. Following the arrest, the trio have been sent to jail. The case is further being investigated by the authorities.
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