
Deep State, Marxism and the war to protect civilisation; How global powers are trying to distort cultural identity

The clash between cultural preservation and ideological subversion has intensified in recent years, with global powers leveraging Marxist ideologies and the influence of the "deep state" to challenge and distort cultural identities

Published by
Adv Karan Thakur

The post-World War II period saw the rise of global Marxism, a force quietly shaping the fate of nations through covert operations and ideologies that would define the next century. Central to this global shift were two influential forces: the Deep State, represented by shadowy global elites, and Marxist ideologies, which formed the intellectual framework for socialist revolutions across the globe. From the murder of political leaders to media manipulation, the aim was clear—control the narrative, reshape societies, and bring the world under a new global order. Through the use of intellectual capture and covert violence, a new era of control would begin, with two key tools: brainwashing and the systematic erosion of civilisations.

The Deep State and Its Role in Shaping the Global Order

The Deep State, a term used to describe a network of influential elites who operate behind the scenes to manipulate governments, played a pivotal role in shaping the post-war global landscape. While world wars were fought in the open, the real battle occurred in the shadows: through assassinations, bloodbaths, and covert wars, the CIA, KGB, and other intelligence agencies worked tirelessly to advance the agenda of global control. These dark forces sought to undermine national sovereignty and install leaders who would serve the broader globalist vision. The chaos unleashed during the Cold War years was not just the result of superpower rivalry but a concerted effort to advance a global Marxist agenda.

In this context, Marxism was not merely an economic theory but a tool for societal control. While public revolutions were happening across the world, the real revolution took place in the institutions of power: the media, academia, and the arts. Through these institutions, the Deep State sought to rewrite the cultural narrative, reshape values, and introduce a new global ideology—one in which traditional values, particularly those associated with religions like Hinduism and Christianity, would be replaced with a globalist, secular, Marxist framework.

Marxism and the Capture of the Global Narrative

By the late 1940s, the Marxist agenda was already embedded in the social fabric of many countries, but its true global reach came through the capture of key intellectual and cultural institutions. The media, education, and art were transformed into the frontlines of a mass brainwashing campaign.

Through the CIA’s involvement in shaping global media narratives and the KGB’s influence over global intellectual thought, the Marxist ideology spread far beyond the confines of the Soviet Union. In particular, the Marxist cultural revolution began infiltrating the West and India, facilitated by agents within academia, the media, and even the art world.

One of the most notable examples of this cultural warfare was the Fabian Society’s influence in India, where Jawaharlal Nehru and the Indian National Congress became agents of Marxist secularism. Nehru’s policies sought to break India from its Hindu roots by introducing a socialist state that would serve as a model for global transformation. At the same time, the Marxist-influenced Indian education system began teaching a version of history that downplayed India’s civilizational heritage and instead embraced secular, socialist principles.

However, Nehru’s India was only one battlefield in a much broader global war. The CIA, operating in the shadows, was working tirelessly to promote Marxist propaganda in the West through its control of media outlets, funding academic research, and infiltrating the arts. The goal was to control the cultural discourse, ensure that Marxist ideology was dominant in the West, and create a unified global narrative that aligned with the Deep State’s agenda.

The War of Ideas: A Global Battle for Cultural Control

The CIA’s involvement in cultural manipulation reached far beyond news reports and academic papers—it extended to entire artistic movements, film, and literature. A generation of artists, writers, and intellectuals was co-opted to promote the Marxist agenda, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The deep state, backed by Marxist ideologues, saw this as an opportunity to reshape human consciousness, promoting the Marxist vision of class warfare, secularism, and revolutionary change.

In the 1960s and 1970s, art and culture were used as platforms to promote revolutionary ideas, while traditional Hindu and Christian values were undermined as “outdated” or “oppressive.” Writers, musicians, and filmmakers became the mouthpieces for a new world order—a world where Marxism, globalism, and social justice would reign supreme, and the individual would be absorbed into the global collective.

The Global Marxist Agenda in India

In India, the rise of Marxism was facilitated not only through Nehru’s policies but also through Congress-led reforms that worked to diminish the influence of Hinduism and traditional Indian culture. Nehru’s efforts to implement a secular, socialist agenda resonated with global Marxist movements, which sought to dismantle national identities in favor of a global, uniform ideology.

Nehru’s government worked tirelessly to dismantle India’s cultural identity, promoting secularism and the state-controlled economy, while sidelining the spiritual and cultural aspects of Hinduism. The Indian education system, heavily influenced by Marxist thought, began to teach a version of history that ignored the country’s rich civilization, focusing instead on Westernized concepts of progress and development. Traditional Hindu temples were seized by the government, while religious education was pushed to the margins.

This ideological war was not limited to India—it was a global effort to reshape societies around the world. The CIA and KGB, each playing their part in the grand geopolitical struggle, manipulated these social forces to advance the agenda of the Deep State. As the Cold War raged on, these agents worked to ensure that the Marxist vision would dominate, spreading its influence through global media, education, and cultural movements.

The Battle for the Future: A New World Order

The Deep State’s use of Marxism as a tool for global control is far from over. As we enter the 21st century, the legacy of the Cold War’s shadowy conflicts still shapes the world. The global Marxist agenda continues to play out through the media, education, and the arts, as secularism, socialism, and cultural Marxism increasingly shape the global discourse.

From India’s secular state to the global media, the CIA, KGB, and their successors have orchestrated a battle for the cultural and intellectual control of the world. As the Deep State continues to push its agenda, the future of national sovereignty and cultural identity hangs in the balance.

The global Marxist agenda, shaped by the Deep State and advanced through cultural and intellectual control, has left an indelible mark on India, the West, and the world. From the manipulation of media and education to the revolutionary changes in art and culture, a new world order is being formed—one that will reshape civilizations and challenge traditional identities. The struggle for control of ideas is far from over, and it is clear that the next 40 years will see further assassinations, conflict, and the continuation of a battle for cultural dominance. The question remains: Will global Marxism succeed in reshaping the world, or will traditional civilizations rise to reclaim their cultural identities? The answer lies in the battles to come.

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