SHIMLA: The issue of cow protection and smuggling has been escalating in the rural areas of Himachal Pradesh. Particularly in the Balh police station area of Mandi district, there have been multiple instances under the Congress government where cow protectors (Gau Rakshaks) have been falsely implicated in criminal cases. Recently, an incident in Balh police station has come to light where cow protectors rescued cows from smugglers, but instead of being appreciated for their efforts, they were charged with false allegations under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and BNS (Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita).
The Incident: Police Action Against Cow Protectors
In this case, the following charges were filed against the Gau Rakshaks at the Balh police station:
BNS Section 310(2): Dacoity (Attempt to commit dacoity)
BNS Section 305(B),BNS Section 191(2), BNS Section 191(3), BNS Section 126(2)
BNS Section 351(2), BNS Section 115(2)
These serious charges were imposed on the cow protectors who were merely trying to prevent the illegal transportation of cows by smugglers.
Allegations of Police Complicity
This is not the first time such incidents have occurred in the Balh police station area of Mandi district. Local cow protection groups and villagers allege that the police, acting under the influence of the Congress government, are either unwilling or incapable of taking action against the smugglers. Instead, they target those who attempt to protect the cows.
Increase in Cow Smuggling Cases: In recent years, there has been a sharp rise in incidents of cow smuggling in the region. Due to a lack of police action, smugglers have become emboldened.
Collusion Between Police and Smugglers
There have been several instances where it appeared that the police were trying to shield the smugglers while falsely implicating the cow protectors.
Political Motive: There is an accusation that the Congress government is deliberately targeting cow protectors to hurt religious and cultural sentiments.
Demand for CBI Investigation
Cow protection groups and social activists are demanding a thorough investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into this matter. They believe that there is a nexus between the police and the smugglers, which needs to be exposed and investigated impartially.
A Matter of Social and Legal Concern
The issue of cow protection is not just a matter of religious faith; it raises serious questions about the moral values of society and the functioning of the legal system. If the trend of encouraging smuggling and targeting those who protect cows continues, it will not only escalate social tensions but also undermine law and order. Therefore, a fair and transparent investigation is necessary to ensure justice and bring the culprits to book.
A Call for Justice
It is time for the administration and government to take this issue seriously and support those who are working to protect cows, instead of implicating them in false cases. Ensuring the safety of those who protect cows is not only a matter of religious duty but also a commitment to uphold societal values and justice.
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