In the hills of Namhol village, Bilaspur district, Himachal Pradesh, Jeetram Kondal realised the challenges farmers face while cultivating crops on small, uneven plots, with less than one-third of the land being fertile. Understanding the struggles of his fellow farmers, Jeetram Kondal thought of improving their livelihoods and recognised that they needed alternative source of income to live a good life.
In October 2001, Kondal established the Kamdhenu Hitkari Manch, a voluntary organisation aimed at uplifting the backward districts of Himachal Pradesh and increasing the incomes of tribal and rural farmers. With this platform, he sought to provide a reliable and profitable alternative to traditional farming.
Before the establishment of the Manch, most farmers, including Kondal, owned one or two cows and used to sell their milk to the Government Milk Federation. However, the prices offered were not substantial enough to make a difference in their income. Kondal realised the need to create value-added products from milk to increase profitability. Thus, Kamdhenu Hitkari Manch began by buying milk directly from farmers at fair rates, pasteurising it, and producing a variety of dairy products.
On the very first day, the Manch managed to gather support from 10-12 farmers, collecting a modest 37 litres of milk. Despite the small beginning, Kondal’s vision was clear: to build a sustainable model that could benefit the entire community. His determination paid off as the Manch gradually grew, garnering support from various Government bodies, including the Central and Himachal Pradesh Governments, NABARD, and the World Bank.
Over the past 22 years, Kamdhenu Hitkari Manch has expanded significantly, connecting over 6,000 families from 350 villages across the region. The organisation collects an impressive 40,000 litres of milk daily. The success of this platform is largely due to its efficient system, where delivery vans collect milk directly from farmers’ homes twice a day. Each batch is tested for quality, and payments are promptly transferred to farmers’ accounts, ensuring transparency and trust.
Moreover, Kamdhenu Hitkari Manch has taken further steps to support farmers by delivering high-quality fodder to their doorsteps, ensuring that the cattle remain healthy and productive. This holistic approach has significantly increased farmers’ incomes and improved their standard of living.
The Kamdhenu Hitkari Manch initiative is a shining example of how a community-driven effort, supported by the right vision, can bring about a meaningful change. This Manch continues to inspire rural entrepreneurs across the region, demonstrating that with perseverance, even the most challenging problems can be addressed, one step at a time.
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