In a recent incident near Raipur, Chhattisgarh, locals protested following reports of missionaries using dubious tactics to promote conversion campaigns in tribal areas. The situation escalated in Pathari village when a group of Christian preachers arrived, sparking protests among the community members.
The missionaries, reportedly arriving in an autorickshaw adorned with a saffron flag, began distributing pamphlets containing religious material related to Jesus Christ. Residents became aware of their activities and raised alarm after young men from the area, along with members of the Bajrang Dal, intervened upon learning of the missionaries’ presence. Sensing the growing resistance, the missionaries quickly fled the scene.
In response to the incident, the Rashtriya Bajrang Dal submitted a memorandum to the district collector, demanding stringent action against the missionaries involved and addressing the broader issue of religious conversion attempts across the state.
According to eyewitness accounts, the incident unfolded a few days prior when the group entered Pathari village. The saffron flag on their autorickshaw initially went unnoticed by locals, allowing the missionaries to approach homes and preach their message. However, the situation turned tense once the villagers became aware of the ongoing activities.
While the incident was reported to the local police, no specific complaints could be lodged against the missionaries.
Compounding the tension, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government is reportedly preparing to introduce a law aimed at curbing forced or deceptive conversions. The proposed law mandates that any religious conversion must be reported to the District Magistrate to verify its voluntariness. Offenders found guilty of violating the law would face legal consequences.
Bajrang Dal is also raising concerns over a scheduled religious program set for November 1, organised by the Indian Pentecostal Church of God 18 Convention in Hebron Nagar Sasaholi, Tilda. The organisation alleges that the event is a covert attempt to sway local residents toward Christianity and has urged the administration to prevent the gathering. They have warned of potential actions to disrupt the event should it be permitted to proceed.
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