A fashion show in Indore took a controversial turn when a man, identified as Sahil Khan, allegedly entered the event under a false Hindu identity. The incident, which occurred at the “Elegant Paridhan” fashion show on October 19, escalated after members of the Bajrang Dal arrived and exposed the man’s real identity, leading to a confrontation between the activists, the organisers, and the participant.
According to eyewitnesses, the fashion show, organised by Deepika Sharma and Samta Jain, was intended to promote Indian culture and women empowerment at Skylark. However, tensions escalated when Bajrang Dal members, led by district coordinator Ram Dang, raised objections, accusing the event of promoting obscenity rather than Indian values. The activists claimed that permission for the show was sought under false pretences.
Ram Dang further stated that Bajrang Dal had earlier issued warnings to the organisers regarding such events, fearing cases of ‘love jihad’—a term used to describe efforts to entice Hindu women into interfaith relationships. In light of these concerns, entry to the event was restricted to those with proper invitations and ID checks.
As activists began questioning the attendees, one of the man present introduced himself as “Aman.” However, when his ID was inspected, it revealed that his real name was Sahil Khan. The discovery sparked outrage among Bajrang Dal members, who immediately accused him of attempting to deceive the organizers and participants by posing as a Hindu.
Tensions quickly escalated, and Bajrang Dal activists alleged that this incident was part of a broader effort to target Hindu girls during the event. In a show of protest, they gathered at Tejaji Nagar police station, chanting slogans, reciting the Hanuman Chalisa, and demanding strict action against Sahil Khan.
As the situation grew more chaotic, the organisers of the fashion show also became enraged. In a dramatic turn, one of the organisers reportedly slapped Sahil Khan, accusing him of entering the event without an invitation and attempting to cause disruption. Deepika Sharma and Samta Jain later released a video apologising for the incident, expressing regret for any unintended harm caused.
The police filed a case under Section 223 against the organisers for failing to maintain proper security at the event. Sahil Khan was also booked for entering the event under a false identity.
This incident comes in the wake of rising concerns in Madhya Pradesh over similar occurrences. Earlier, during the Navratri festivities, Organiser reported, two Muslim men were arrested in separate incidents in Ujjain and Indore for entering Garba events under false Hindu identities. In one case, a man named Wasim Nagauri was caught posing as “Pankaj” at a Garba event in Labh Ganga premises. In another, a man introduced himself as “Rahul” at a Garba event in Ujjain, only to be later identified as a Muslim youth in possession of objectionable items.
These incidents fueled growing fears among local Hindu organisations, who claim such cases represent a deliberate attempt to engage in ‘love jihad’ by targeting young Hindu women during religious events. In response, Hindu groups like Bajrang Dal and Hindu Jagran Manch have increased their vigilance, checking the identities of attendees at various public and religious events.
As of now, the “Elegant Paridhan” fashion show has been cancelled, and further investigations are underway to address the concerns raised by the Bajrang Dal and the organisers.
This series of events has brought renewed attention to the tensions between religious groups in Madhya Pradesh, particularly during cultural and religious festivities, sparking debates on identity, interfaith relations, and safety measures at public gatherings.