HYDERABAD: In its statement, Hyderabad City Police reported, “Initial investigation has revealed that the miscreant involved in the incident at Mutyalamma temple is identified as Salman Salim Thakur, also known as Salman, aged about 30 years, a native of Mumbra, near Mumbai, Maharashtra. He arrived in Hyderabad in early October 2024 to attend a month-long personality development workshop organized by English House Academy, under the correspondence of Munawar Zama, Md. Kafeel Ahmed, and others, at Hotel Metropolis in Regimental Bazar, Secunderabad.”
Note on incident at Muthyalamma temple located in Market PS limits,
Cr. No: 234/2024 u/s 333, 331(4), 196, 298, 299 BNS of PS Market, Hyd City
On 14.10.2024, at about 0430 hrs a miscreant has entered into the sanctum-sanctorum of Sri Muthyalamma Templ…https://t.co/IseQV3DUDY
— Hyderabad City Police (@hydcitypolice) October 16, 2024
The police added, “It has been found that the hotel premises were rented illegally for the purpose of running this academic course, which has no formal permission. Necessary legal action is being taken up against the management for these violations.”
In its statement, Hyderabad City Police reported, “Further investigation has revealed that the accused, Salman Salim Thakur, also known as Salman, holds a B.E. in Computer Engineering and is active on social media. He began watching videos of Islamic religious preachers, such as fugitive Zakir Naik and others, on platforms like Facebook and YouTube. Through self-radicalization, he developed a radical mindset and harbored hatred toward practices of other religions, particularly Hindu practices like idol worship.”
Zakir Naik, an Islamic preacher known for his inflammatory rhetoric, has been widely criticized for promoting hate-filled speeches that incite anti-Hindu sentiments and support Islamic radicalism. His controversial views and encouragement of extremism attracted the attention of Indian authorities, leading to investigations against him. In 2016, amidst mounting legal pressure, Naik fled to Malaysia, where he was granted permanent residency, evading prosecution while continuing to advocate his divisive ideology, raising concerns about his influence on radical elements.
The man who desecrated the temple in #Secunderabad is a 30-year-old computer engineer Salman Salim Thakur
City police claim that he is a follower of #ZakirNaik and other Islamists
According to reports, Salim was involved in similar incidents past too
In 2022, he entered a… pic.twitter.com/SkPdUEgkes
— Organiser Weekly (@eOrganiser) October 17, 2024
The statement continued, “It was also discovered that the accused has been involved in similar incidents in Mumbai, Maharashtra, previously, including the following:
Cr. No. 412/2022 under Section 295(A) IPC, dated 6.9.2022, at PS Arey Sub, Mumbai, Maharashtra, where he entered a Ganesh pandal wearing footwear and argued with locals, mocking idol worship practices.
Cr. No. 239/2024 under Section 298 BNS, dated 1.8.2024, at PS Mira Road, Mira-Bhayandar Vasai-Virar Police, Maharashtra, where he trespassed into the Sri Manokamana Siddhimahadeva Mandir and desecrated the idol of Lord Shankar by stepping on it, thereby insulting the Hindu religion and faith.”
On October 14, the Goddess Muthyalamma Temple in Secunderabad’s Kummari Guda area near Monda Market was attacked, sparking deep unrest within the Hindu community.
In a shocking hate crime early on October 14, the Goddess Muthyalamma Temple in Secunderabad’s Kummari Guda area near Monda Market was attacked, sparking deep unrest within the Hindu community.https://t.co/HzltXOFvdu
— Organiser Weekly (@eOrganiser) October 14, 2024
Hyderabad City Police emphasized that “the investigation is ongoing, and the public is requested to cooperate with law enforcement and avoid unnecessary speculation.”